
Spotify artist search not working

Userlevel 4
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Desktop and Android app have started telling me "spotify returned no results for _____ in artists. Please try a different category or a new search term" this morning. Has replicated on multiple devices. Only happens for Spotify and only in "artists", albums and playlist search still works. Any idea if I changed a setting or if something is wrong on their end?

I’ve reset the speakers and restarted the apps.


Best answer by Corry P 29 August 2023, 11:26

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288 replies

Userlevel 1

I have this issue as well. No settings have been changed. Sonos - please advise.


Yep, me too - exactly the same symptoms, started this morning.

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

Yeah Spotify Search for Artists is broken, even “taylor swift” doesn’t work. (Using Classic Search, New Search seems ok).

However, on the S1 app it works fine (Desktop anyway).

My Windows app is also affected, so this is a Spotify problem to solve. Again.


Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @conor 

Thanks for reporting! We have been unable to reproduce this issue, but have only tested from within Europe which could easily be a factor.

If removing your Spotify account from Sonos and adding it back again does not help, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who, if unable to fix it, will at least be able to flag it for investigation after going through some basic troubleshooting steps.

Remove a music service account from Sonos

Add a music service to Sonos

I hope this helps.

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

Mmm, seems better now? Can’t get it to fail in any app for any artist.

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Hi @conor 

Thanks for reporting! We have been unable to reproduce this issue, but have only tested from within Europe which could easily be a factor.

If removing your Spotify account from Sonos and adding it back again does not help, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who, if unable to fix it, will at least be able to flag it for investigation after going through some basic troubleshooting steps.

Remove a music service account from Sonos

Add a music service to Sonos

I hope this helps.

I removed and re-added spotify from my system, but this error persists.

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Mmm, seems better now? Can’t get it to fail in any app for any artist.

Mine’s still not working

What did the technical support team say when you contacted them?

Userlevel 1

This issue started for me 4 hours ago.  What is the resolution?

Based on @controlav ’s post above, it’s an issue on Spotify’s server, nothing for Sonos to do, except wait for Spotify to fix it. 

Still having the same issue. Sonos S1. No artist results in spotify for any search. 

What did Spotify say, when you contacted them?

I am using Sonos S2 - on both  an Android device and a Mac Pro.

The Artist search in Spotify does not work on either.

I have reinstalled Sonos and Spotify on my Mac. and reauthorised Spotify,,,no joy,

Diagnostic sent to Sonos. No Joy.

Please help!

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

I am using Sonos S2 - on both  an Android device and a Mac Pro.

The Artist search in Spotify does not work on either.

I have reinstalled Sonos and Spotify on my Mac. and reauthorised Spotify,,,no joy,

Diagnostic sent to Sonos. No Joy.

Please help!

Switch to New Search (on Android), that seems better for many.

Search by artists is not working on my Sonos computer app, but does work on my iPhone app.

I’m also having this problem.  Can’t search Spotify artists within Sonos.  The artist search works fine within Spotify.  Please fix.

Same error, S1 system in Germany, spend 1.5 hours with customer service today.

Resetting router, app, speakers, system etc- nothing helped. artist search is not possible.


Did a test with cutsomer service, seems to be an issue with old versus new search - old search on S1 does not work:  artist search is not possible.

I have a Spotify Duo account and Sonos 1, and the search across artist, songs, album, etc. worked on the primary user. However, when I switched yesterday to the secondary user the search gives Spotify results on everything except artists. 

Same here.

Same here.

I have had the same problem for 3 days now.  I can still get the music I want but it's easier to just search by artist.

Same issue here. The search function works for my account profile in the Sonos app but wife’s does not. I’ve deleted the app and re-added it. Re-authorized her account in the Sonos app. No luck.

Userlevel 1

Same issue. Sonos not giving spotify results in classic mode for artists. Works for songs though… 

Userlevel 1

I have the same problem in that Sonos is not returning search results from Spotify under Artists. This has just started in the last couple of days.