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I have a router and 3 extenders across my house, so my wifi is excellent all over the house and yard.  If I hard use a Bridge/Boost or hardwire 1 speaker in, is that hardwired component the only one that pushes out Sonosnet?  If so, I would think my own wifi network if probably stronger / more reliable than the one source for Sonosnet.  Toughts?  

BTW, I plan on adding over 5 speakers, and a home theater setup.  Will I be forced to use Sonosnet?  
Thanks for the quick and feedback everyone.  

My thoughts exactly.  You do not want your wired Sonos device connected to an extender/repeater.  You want it wired to an actual router.  That way, Sonos' first leg to music sources is through the internet or a wired Ethernet connection.

 As an aside, make sure all "extenders" are actually operating in extender mode.  More often than not they are in router mode using multiple subnets.  While not optimal, multiple subnets are often fine until you install Sonos, which will not work over multiple subnets.  You will start seeing controllers dropping, coverage lacking, and other such problems.  So the first thing to do is make sure you have one and only one DHCP server running on your wired router, and all other WiFi access points have DHCP disabled.
Sooner is a mesh, which will almost always be better. Plus, if you want a Playbar and surrounds or Sub, Sonosnet is required.
sonosNet is a mesh network so once you have either a bridge/boost/play hooked direct to your router you'll have the SonosNet mess network. I've gone with the boost as it offers a stronger signal and as my home wifi is already overloaded with 3 iPhones, iPad, one xbox and smart TV all competing for data I didn't wish to have drop-outs on my wifi. Yes you would require one device hard wired to use the PlayBar and surround sound setup.
If 5 speakers always use Sonosnet.    I would never recommend not using Sonosnet with more than 2 speakers.  You mentioned Home Theater - if your going to use a Playbar with surrounds you must use Sonosnet (no choice).

Reminder:  As Dave was mentioning, to use Sonosnet you have to have 1 single Sonos unit hooked to your router.  That doesn't mean you have to use a bridge or boost.... any Sonos unit.  The bridge (older) and boost (newer) are for if your router is in a location that you don't want to put another Sonos device.
Thanks for the quick and feedback everyone.  

I don't think you can use AirPlay. I might me wrong - read this:
Thanks for the quick and feedback everyone.  

If he plugs the audio out from the airport to to the play:5 he will have AirPlay on his sonos. That part works.

I wouldn't recommend this being the wired connection as it leaves a wifi step to sonos. Inwouldnhook a sonos unit to the actual router.
Thanks for the quick and feedback everyone.  

You're right and I should have been more clear - I will also connect the Play5 to the Ethernet port on the Airport Express.
Thanks for the quick and feedback everyone.  

d, I think what Chris was pointing out is that if you plug the Play:5 as your wired Sonos device into the Airport Express, which is being used to extend your WiFi network, you're still relying on a WiFi connection to get your Sonos devices connected to the internet. So now you have two possible variables to consider should you have a problem with Sonos playing music from internet services:

1. It could be interference with SonosNet

2. It could be interference between your Airport Express and your main router.

While what you are doing is valid and might very well work, it's certainly not an ideal setup and isn't recommended.
Thanks for the quick and feedback everyone.  

Good points regarding wireless weak point between Airport Express and main wired router, AirPort Extreme.

But yes the expresses are setup in Extender mode.

I guess I'll try it out this way and if I have dropouts I will just get a Boost to wire into the central router.
Yea if it works it works.  Probably will unless you are routing a lot of traffic for other stuff through your wifi at the same time.
I don't plan to stream online music-just listen to my records through my Denon receiver's line output. Is there any need to hardwire my Sonos Connect to my Airport router? Thank you!
I don't plan to stream online music-just listen to my records through my Denon receiver's line output. Is there any need to hardwire my Sonos Connect to my Airport router? Thank you!

Line-in content is usually the most taxing on the system. If possible, using Sonosnet would be the best choice.