Symfonisk looses connection?!

  • 25 November 2021
  • 2 replies

Hi, my newly installed Symfonisk Bookshelf looses connection over night, every night. I always have to re-do the connection to get it in the app again. Have tried both Sonos apps (S1+S2) on ios and its the same problem.

Once ive reconnected it it wont work with google home, it cannot connect to it and I cannot plays music on it through google home or google nest. 
Whats wrong? Thankful for any help!


2 replies

Badge +17

Hi @Dempa89,


It sounds like your Symfonisk is having trouble communicating with the other devices on your network.

I suggest running system diagnostics, recording the number, and getting in touch with our customer care team. They’ll be able to take a closer look at what’s happening to the player on your network and help come to a resolution.

my two cents: I have Symfonisk in different locations and they all behave very well. You may check your router settings for ‘parental control’ settings. Some smart devices include features to block temporarily Internet access to avoid excessive use. This feature may be enabled for the Symfonisk’s IP address. Have you tried to wire connect the device to your router?

