I have a Beam gen2 with a sub and two era 100s for surrounds. I cannot get any sound when trying to play a game console (Nintendo Switch or Xbox 1) Any solutions to this?
Describe your setup. What model TV do you have? How exactly is the Beam, Switch, and Xbox connected to the TV? Have you performed the TV Setup process in the Sonos app?
I have a Samsung TV. The Xbox or Switch hooked up via HDMI inputs while the Beam is hooked up via HDMI ARC. I have performed the TV set up. Music and TV work fine. Just can’t get sound from the counsels.
What specific Samsung model TV do you have? Have you adjusted the audio settings on the Xbox and Switch?
Samsung model: UN65NU6900F
I tried switching the audio setting on the Switch to stereo cause I read someone having similar issues with a little research. Still didn’t help. As far as the Xbox goes I’m not too worried about that. I usually have it on a different set up in the basement. I just wanted to see if it would work. The Nintendo is the main reason for this post.
Set the TV to these settings:
Sound Output: Receiver (HDMI)
Digital Output Audio Format: Pass Through (if not available, choose Auto)
And make sure Anynet+ is enabled.
Have you tried using a different HDMI cable to connect the Switch? You can also try unplugging the Switch from power for a couple of minutes and connect it to a different HDMI port.
I have it set on Receiver HDMI. As far as Digital Output Audio I have these options. PCM,Dolby Digital, and Dolby Digital+(I’ve tried all). I don’t have a pass through or auto. Anynet+ is on. I have tried using different HDMI cords but still no luck.

Could not having eARC as an option be my problem?

This is the solution. I used this technique and it worked.
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