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I have an Era 100 speaker with a turntable connected via line in.  I group the era 100 with a Play1 and the records play through both speakers as expected (and sounds great).  Shortly after one side of the record ends, the 2 speakers become ungrouped.  This happens every time.   So, when I go to flip the record, I also have to re-group the 2 speakers again.  It is quite annoying :(

Go to the Line-In settings for the Era 100 in the Sonos app. Under Autoplay, set the Autoplay Room to the room associated with the Era 100 and make sure “Include Grouped Rooms” is selected.

This doesn’t work for me, as soon as the record finishes the devices become ungrouped again.

Perfect.  Ran a couple of tests and the group seems to be remaining intact now. This solves my issue. Thank you!

Curious why this would not be the default behavior.  Any other time I’ve created a group, it remains intact unless there is some network issue that knocks some speakers out.