I’m still having the same issue as well… it’s quiet frustrating how long Sonos needs to fix this problem, especially since I can’t downgrade to an older version…
Your response on the related thread answers your question:
Best answer by Tom_69
Had a response from Sonos support today. Now confirmed that their developers are aware of the issue with Apple Music volume and are working on a fix, but no ETA.
Your response on the related thread answers your question:
Best answer by Tom_69
Had a response from Sonos support today. Now confirmed that their developers are aware of the issue with Apple Music volume and are working on a fix, but no ETA.
And the new update with various bug fixes does not resolve the issue, hence the new thread.
However, it would be nice if Sonos would provide an update on their resolution progress instead of closing my issue as resolved and staying silent.
Same problem here, sound is still way to load. Even at sound settling 1. 
Still not fixed. Utter joke company.
Yep. Can’t quite understand why it is taking Apple so long to fix the issue. I’d think it would be a fairly simple thing on their server.
Still not fixed after 15.4 update.
Still not fixed after 15.5 update!
Seriously, when is this going to be fixed? Volume level 1 is too loud! I’ve been following this problem for over a year now with no solution from Sonos.
Sonos, please read these threads and take this feedback seriously. If you don’t want to do a special fix for Apple Music, then at least add a way to be able to play the system at a really low volume, regardless the music source. Why not use the max volume limit to also increase the sensitivity / range for the low volume range?
I keep getting 30% off upgrade offers from Sonos. Why would I invest in more Sonos products when Sonos won’t fix this simple problem? How long will it take to fix? Volume level 1 is too loud on Apple Music. Do something about it.
Can’t believe we are still talking about this problem. We have been unable to use our speakers at night in our bedroom for a year plus now due to this. Volume set at 01 is TOO LOUD. THIS IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
Have you asked Apple about this? They’re the ones who are sending the data to your Sonos, including volume information. The Sonos uses the exact same interface code for every stream sent to it, no matter which company is sending to it.
Have you asked Apple about this? They’re the ones who are sending the data to your Sonos, including volume information. The Sonos uses the exact same interface code for every stream sent to it, no matter which company is sending to it.
Or, you know, Sonos could talk to Apple on behalf of their customers.
Or Sonos could provide a volume limit setting that actually works so we could workaround the issue itself
Or Sonos could communicate more clearly to it’s customers “This is on Apple, we can’t work around it, so if you value low volume listening you either need to ditch Apple or ditch Sonos”
Jumping in to every thread on this topic to point the finger at Apple as if Sonos is a helpless bystander in the situation isn’t helping one bit Airgetlam.
Have you asked Apple about this? They’re the ones who are sending the data to your Sonos, including volume information. The Sonos uses the exact same interface code for every stream sent to it, no matter which company is sending to it.
Yeah but Tim Cook doesn’t seem to have a minute to help me with this issue.
This is an issue regarding playback onto Sonos products, if I use my AirPods then there’s no significant problem with low volume when I use Apple Music or Spotify so for me, this is a Sonos problem.
Feel free to get in touch with Apple yourself and see if you get a response.
Can’t believe we are still talking about this problem. We have been unable to use our speakers at night in our bedroom for a year plus now due to this. Volume set at 01 is TOO LOUD. THIS IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
I can’t believe anyone thinks this is a problem. There are 100 possible volume levels on Sonos, I find it hard to believe that someone thinks that 1% of maximum volume of anything is too loud, especially as it is logarithmic.
Maybe this is specific to a certain device? I’ve never noticed this on any of mine, but none of the people having a problem in this thread have described their device.
Can’t believe we are still talking about this problem. We have been unable to use our speakers at night in our bedroom for a year plus now due to this. Volume set at 01 is TOO LOUD. THIS IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
I can’t believe anyone thinks this is a problem. There are 100 possible volume levels on Sonos, I find it hard to believe that someone thinks that 1% of maximum volume of anything is too loud, especially as it is logarithmic.
But THAT Is exactly the problem: “1” is not really 1 when using Apple Music. “1” is equivalent to what is typically 5-8 on any other service
I’ve run this test myself and you can too: pick a song both in Apple Music and any other service. Use a decibel meter and compare the same song through Sonos through both services. What is “1” on Apple Music will be equivalent to 5-8 on the other service. What is “1” on the other service won’t be possible on Apple Music because Apple Music can’t be even close to that quiet anymore.
Sonos still (and has always) uses a single API to connect to and play each and every service, there are no special accommodations made for one or the other. All streaming sources need to conform to the data as explained on the API instructions you can read at the Sonos partners page. There are no ‘special/different setting’ for Apple, or any other streaming company.
Sonos has two choices, either wait for Apple to fix the levels they’re sending data to your speakers at, or force every other streaming company to accede to Apple’s change, and set the receipt of the rest of the streams (over 200 streaming sources?) to the new volume level. I’m sure Sonos has expressed your concerns (well, I assume they have) to Apple, but as Sonos has no financial relationship with Apple, there’s some chance that Apple will listen to someone who pays a subscription fee more so than Sonos’ complaints/urging. Which is why you’ll often see posts urging you to contact Apple.
I suspect the large number of streaming companies that provide Sonos access to their streams make it economically impossible to have distinct APIs for each. It would significantly increase the memory needed on each speaker as you added potential services, and also be a nightmare for Sonos engineers to maintain, given the changes some of these companies seem to frequently make.
This same API, which each streaming company applies to their own servers rules the data presented to your Sonos, both musically, and by the visual interface. Sonos doesn’t control that, they only control the API itself, commonly known as the Sonos Music Application Programming Interface, or shortened as SMAPI. So if something is ‘missing’, and it is supported by the SMAPI, it’s up to the streaming company to provide that data across the connection using SMAPI.
There are some things SMAPI can’t handle, based on what I’ve seen, like changes in speed of audio books, but it’s generally pretty full featured, including Atmos data. But not variable volume of data input streams.
Complaining in this forum is fine, I suspect we all hope that Sonos provides this data, and a link, to Apple. But I suspect figuring out how to complain as a subscriber to Apple directly will ultimately be of greater help.
Having dealt with Apple on a professional level with the iOS teams, and store teams in the past, I’ve found them to have a ‘our way or the highway’ attitude. I’m not sure I hold out much hope for them ‘fixing’ this issue, but I will continue to hope. In the meantime, I’ve moved some of my speakers farther away when they’re connected to Apple as a music source, rather than a few feet from my head. It isn’t an ideal solution, but the best I can come up with for now.
Even if this is all Apple’s fault it is SONOS that is communicating to their customers poorly about the issue. We need SONOS to give guidance to their customers, not Airgetlam. If Sonos can truly do nothing about it on their end then they need to explain that to their customers, tell us if they’ve communicated the issue to Apple, and point us to the appropriate Apple channel to complain.
And all your rambling about APIs does not preclude Sonos from providing a Volume Limit that actually works and could workaround the issue. That would not require anything specific to any Streaming Service, just as the current volume limit is not specific to any streaming service. Sonos controls the end speaker so they ultimately control the volume that can comes out of it. That Apple can somehow control the volume of a speaker just because they increased the volume of the default track coming through is a ludicrous proposition. Whatever Apple cranks louder on their end, Sonos/users could crank lower on their end. If not, that’s on Sonos: not Apple.
So in conclusion, Sonos is still dropping the ball on customer communication (explaining clearly what is going on and what is or is not going to change in the future) and features (a working volume limit) even if the core issue is stemming from Apple.
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