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If a Sonos One Gen 1 is stereo paired with a Sonos One Gen 2 - does the speed of the Gen 1 hinder the speed of the voice assistant booting up as Alexa currently boots up quicker on my Gen 1 - almost automatically - than Sonos Voice Control?


Is Sonos Voice generally more responsive on Sonos One Gen 2?

I do not think Sonos considers generations for voice control when pairing One’s, from the top of my head it is always the left speaker of the pair that is tasked with voice duties.

I also do not think the differences in memory capacity would impact voice control much, but I do not speak out of experience - I only use Google assistant on One of my One’s  (a Gen 1),  so cannot compare a Gen 1 with a Gen 2 on SVC. More on Gen 1 vs Gen 2 here:


Also if it is expectedly faster, does the Sonos One Gen 2 get prioritised for voice commands in a stereo pair with a Sonos One Gen 1?