I have a Roam SL and Virgin Router Hub 3.0. I’m also using for TV m a play bar and 2 Sonos 1s for surround sound. The play bar and 1s are fine. The Roam is a recent addition and KEEPS on losing connectivity. I had a massive setup issue and called support and works fine now when connected but it’s useless if it keeps disconnecting. I have to press 10 secs/wait/switch back on etc EVERY time. And when it’s disconnected the Bluetooth doesn’t connect either. It’s hugely disrupting for family as they have no idea how to reconnect when I’m away and so have no speaker at all - even a Bluetooth one. Please help or I’ll have to bin it and get a different make.
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Looking at your diagnostics, I didn’t find exactly the problem I was worried I would find, but it does seem the Virgin Media router is “lying” about something technical which results in the devices connecting to it believing they have 5 days before they need to reapply for their IP addresses, when, in fact, they only have 12 hours (the router is handing out incorrect DHCP lease times - something my Super Hub 3 also does, given the chance). I recommend asking Virgin Media to upgrade your router to a newer model - especially if you notice all your devices being a bit tardy with their responses occasionally. These routers are old, and tend to struggle with more than 10-15 connected devices regardless. A preferred alternative would be to place the VM router into Modem Mode and to attach a third-party router to it to run your network - please feel free to ask for more information on how to do this if you opt to do so.
However, as you only report issues with the Roam and not with the whole system, it does seem that the issue you report is due to something else. The Roam is the only Sonos device connecting to 5GHz WiFi, so it could be due to 5GHz-only interference, but as the Roam was only on for 3 minutes before the diagnostic was submitted, it’s difficult to be sure. Please keep the Roam at least 1m away from other WiFi devices, including the router.
However, I think I missed the part about Bluetooth on my previous reading of your post. To connect Bluetooth, are you opening your phone’s Bluetooth connection page and tapping on the Roam? If so, and it fails, then it seems more likely that the Roam itself is the issue - if this is the case, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who will go through some real-time troubleshooting with you - please be sure to emphasise this particular behaviour as it does imply that it’s not the network at fault (everything else suggests it is). I recommend a phone call.
In the meantime, please try rebooting your router at the start of each day to see if it improves matters for any and all devices - if it does, I highly recommend replacing it.
I hope this helps.
Ok thanks for reply.
not sure how I reply with a username so I’ll just continue as is.
I’ve just submitted a diagnostic with the following reference
any assistance on this greatly appreciated as the problem persists.
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First, I recommend that you do not use your real name in a public space on the internet - please PM me with a username you’d like to use and I’ll change it for you.
As for the issue you experience, I have my suspicions (I have a Super Hub 3 too). Please submit a support diagnostic when the Roam is visible in the Sonos app and report the given number here at your convenience, and I’ll be happy to take a look for you. Thanks.
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