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Petition for separate controls for Height volume on Arc and Era 300

  • 22 July 2023
  • 3 replies

Can we please get separate Height controls for the Sonos Arc and the Era 300s? On my setup I would like to keep the Arc height volume at 10 and era 300s at around 5, for me to have the Arc with a noticiable height effect the 300s are overwhelmingly high….they are superior to the Arc in height effects imo so they should have separate controls 

This feature would be great.

It would also be nice to have separate Surround Level sliders for the inside drivers and outside drivers of the Era 300s. The level of the inside drivers are MUCH lower than the outside drivers. The level is so low that some details from the rear surround channels when playing Dolby Atmos audio gets lost.

That would be welcome too, the eras are amazing…Typo on my title and don’t know how to change it 😩 meant era 300s…it’s late

I wouldn’t worry, some moderator will likely come along and fix that for you ;)