After reading this thread, I’m now uncertain about purchasing a Sonos Arc!
I was planning on using it with my Apple TV 4K, but it appears this setup may be glitchy at best.
Is this still an issue with most Apple TV 4K users? I’ve seen some “solutions” that involve turning off Dolby Atmos, but that kinda defeats a huge reason for purchasing the Sonos Arc.
If I had known of this issue and read this thread prior to purchasing Sonos, I would have never purchased Sonos. Especially after reading what Sonos customer service is telling their customers.
”The solution is simple. Turn off Dolby Atmos, the specific feature of why you bought our Sonos Arc in the first place” Insert Tom Hanks Golden Globes meme. Or any meme that defines the term Are You ….. kidding me?!?!?
I agree completely! Surely SOMEONE at either Apple or Sonos knows the root cause of this?
This has nothing to do with Apple. I’ve said previously, I’ve used my Apple 4KTV and Sonos Arc for years playing Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision content, with Zero issues. Until I thought to purchase and plug in an Xbox Series X, and ever since that day. My Sonos Arc now has the permanent and specific LOUD POP audio loss issue playing any Dolby Vision Dolby Atmos content from ANY source.
This is a long thread, so I understand why most people wouldn’t read through this. However, when you spend over $1000 on your sound system, you take the time to read, and research various sources that can provide information that is accurate and specific. So we can hopefully not feel buyer’s remorse. Because now we’re stuck with a fancy soundbar system that can no longer play the content we purchased it for.
As I’ve said before, Sonos will never acknowledge this issue or warn their consumers and potential consumers, as it would prove too costly for their profits. This is a small company relatively speaking.
Read through this thread, all of the recent posts and naysayers reasons for how this isn’t a Sonos issue have been addressed, etc etc etc etc. Just take the time to read.
Thanks. Unless this is only happening to a small percentage of Sonos Arc users, I’m (for now) not going to invest $800 in a soundbar that doesn’t support the Apple TV 4K box.
This is happening to EVERY Sonos Arc User who plugs in an Xbox Series X to an E-Arc Television and a Sonos Arc.
so yeah, avoid Sonos completely unless they come up with a solution, considering that this is a 2 year old known issue. I wouldn’t have any faith in this brand.
After reading this thread, I’m now uncertain about purchasing a Sonos Arc!
I was planning on using it with my Apple TV 4K, but it appears this setup may be glitchy at best.
Is this still an issue with most Apple TV 4K users? I’ve seen some “solutions” that involve turning off Dolby Atmos, but that kinda defeats a huge reason for purchasing the Sonos Arc.
If I had known of this issue and read this thread prior to purchasing Sonos, I would have never purchased Sonos. Especially after reading what Sonos customer service is telling their customers.
”The solution is simple. Turn off Dolby Atmos, the specific feature of why you bought our Sonos Arc in the first place” Insert Tom Hanks Golden Globes meme. Or any meme that defines the term Are You ….. kidding me?!?!?
I agree completely! Surely SOMEONE at either Apple or Sonos knows the root cause of this?
After reading this thread, I’m now uncertain about purchasing a Sonos Arc!
I was planning on using it with my Apple TV 4K, but it appears this setup may be glitchy at best.
Is this still an issue with most Apple TV 4K users? I’ve seen some “solutions” that involve turning off Dolby Atmos, but that kinda defeats a huge reason for purchasing the Sonos Arc.
Just remember, this does not seem to be isolated to SONOS users.
As was previously stated by ProfessorFrag and myself and so many others on this thread, every single “evidence” that our SPECIFIC POP no audio issue IS Isolated to SONOS. Why are people on this thread who seem to either be employees of Sonos, or somehow affiliated, trying to convince people who have paid a premium price for a defective product, that Sonos is not the problem. What is your purpose?
You even agreed our specific Sonos Arc issue is NOT the same as the Dolby Atmos crackling sound issue. So to anyone reading. Just remember this IS an isolated Sonos product issue. And please read the entire thread, before you post. All of these supposedly “helpful” opinions of how Sonos isn’t responsible for issues we’re dealing with.
Do you even know what this thread is for?
After reading this thread, I’m now uncertain about purchasing a Sonos Arc!
I was planning on using it with my Apple TV 4K, but it appears this setup may be glitchy at best.
Is this still an issue with most Apple TV 4K users? I’ve seen some “solutions” that involve turning off Dolby Atmos, but that kinda defeats a huge reason for purchasing the Sonos Arc.
If I had known of this issue and read this thread prior to purchasing Sonos, I would have never purchased Sonos. Especially after reading what Sonos customer service is telling their customers.
”The solution is simple. Turn off Dolby Atmos, the specific feature of why you bought our Sonos Arc in the first place” Insert Tom Hanks Golden Globes meme. Or any meme that defines the term Are You ….. kidding me?!?!?
After reading this thread, I’m now uncertain about purchasing a Sonos Arc!
I was planning on using it with my Apple TV 4K, but it appears this setup may be glitchy at best.
Is this still an issue with most Apple TV 4K users? I’ve seen some “solutions” that involve turning off Dolby Atmos, but that kinda defeats a huge reason for purchasing the Sonos Arc.
Just remember, this does not seem to be isolated to SONOS users.
Thanks. Unless this is only happening to a small percentage of Sonos Arc users, I’m (for now) not going to invest $800 in a soundbar that doesn’t support the Apple TV 4K box.
The issue persists. We do not know what percentage of the Apple TV userbase is affected. For now, Sonos recommends turning Atmos off if you use Apple TV or Xbox. Everything works fine without Atmos.
The best I can tell you is to check out the main thread and then decide for yourself.
After reading this thread, I’m now uncertain about purchasing a Sonos Arc!
I was planning on using it with my Apple TV 4K, but it appears this setup may be glitchy at best.
Is this still an issue with most Apple TV 4K users? I’ve seen some “solutions” that involve turning off Dolby Atmos, but that kinda defeats a huge reason for purchasing the Sonos Arc.
I don’t know my way around Blu-ray players that much, but here is how I think it works. While playing the content, go into the Sonos App → About My System → Audio In:
If it shows Dolby Atmos (DD+) it’s Dolby Digital Plus.
If it shows Dolby Atmos (TrueHD) it’s Dolby TrueHD.
If it shows just Dolby Atmos it’s Dolby MAT.
I experience the issue, reproducibly, with Apple TV and Xbox. Sonos recommends to turn Atmos off when using those devices. In the main thread on this problem, we had a few others report the pop with Dolby MAT outputting TVs. Apple TV and Xbox users are the bulk however, presumably owing to the devices’ large install bases.
If you have a Blu-ray player that outputs Dolby MAT Atmos, it would be a great test case. We do not have anybody reporting the issue with a Blu-ray source yet.
How can I tell if my Panasonic UBP420 outputs MAT Atmos? Im currently giving TG Maverick a run through. So far so good with no pops.
I experience the issue, reproducibly, with Apple TV and Xbox. Sonos recommends to turn Atmos off when using those devices. In the main thread on this problem, we had a few others report the pop with Dolby MAT outputting TVs. Apple TV and Xbox users are the bulk however, presumably owing to the devices’ large install bases.
If you have a Blu-ray player that outputs Dolby MAT Atmos, it would be a great test case. We do not have anybody reporting the issue with a Blu-ray source yet.
Thanks for sharing the links. I’m afraid none of these match what’s going on with Sonos Arc. Our pop is a loud one-time bang (like furniture falling over) followed by sound cutting out on the Arc but continuing to play on the surrounds. It happens with various sources including Apple TV, Xbox, and built-in TV apps. The common feature appears to be Atmos encoded in Dolby MAT.
The users in your links have rythmic popping and/or crackling sound that does not disable the audio itself, or brief cutouts of sound. The cutouts were a problem with old Xbox software a year+ ago but seem to have been resolved. Rythmic pops and crackles appear on various soundbars and can have a whole multitude of reasons, but again, nothing comparable to the Sonos Arc pop.
The only pop like we have is described by your first Reddit link, which uses a Sonos Arc. I have match framerate and march dynamic range on on my Apple TV (of course I do, who wouldn’t?) and it does not solve the problem.
Ahh good feedback. And yes, my experience with the “pop” is exactly what you described. Regardless, I did NOT have frame-rate match turned on (unsure why) so Im trying that to see if there’s any difference but, based off your reply, Im not expecting there to be. I did also read about the Atmos MAT codec which very well could be the guilty party.
Im curious, do you also experience issues with other inputs or just AppleTV? I do have a Panasonic UBP420 player so maybe I need to run a few movies through that to see if it also reproduces the issue.
Thanks for sharing the links. I’m afraid none of these match what’s going on with Sonos Arc. Our pop is a loud one-time bang (like furniture falling over) followed by sound cutting out on the Arc but continuing to play on the surrounds. It happens with various sources including Apple TV, Xbox, and built-in TV apps. The common feature appears to be Atmos encoded in Dolby MAT.
The users in your links have rythmic popping and/or crackling sound that does not disable the audio itself, or brief cutouts of sound. The cutouts were a problem with old Xbox software a year+ ago but seem to have been resolved. Rythmic pops and crackles appear on various soundbars and can have a whole multitude of reasons, but again, nothing comparable to the Sonos Arc pop.
The only pop like we have is described by your first Reddit link, which uses a Sonos Arc. I have match framerate and march dynamic range on on my Apple TV (of course I do, who wouldn’t?) and it does not solve the problem.
One guy on reddit (from last link I posted above) touted the below as a fix FWIW. Some users don’t seem to agree but Im trying it now to see if there’s any improvement. His text copied below:
Finally solved!!!
I was having crackling all the time when ATMOS was supposed to play (Disney Plus, Apple Tv shows).
The solution is to go to Settings > Video and Audio > Match content >
There: Match Frame Rate: On
Note: It doesn’t hurt to also activate Match Dynamic Range.
If not. Try Changing video from 4K 60 Hz to 50Hz.
All ATMOS content sounds spectacular now 
So from my research, this does not appear to be a SONOS issue as it’s a Dolby Atmos issue. Ive been scouring the Microsoft forums and a lot of people are having this same pop/cracking issue when running Atmos content through their XSX or HTPC, even through a proper surround system.
Could you provide links? I’d like to check this out.
Sure. See below:
This link here seems to be the most confident in identifying it as an Atmos issue through Apple TV4k (although, again, Im not convinced it’s ONLY an ATV issue) but has good discussion.
There’s a ton more links but that’s just an initial smattering for reference. Based on everything Im seeing, I really dont think this is a SONOS specific issue but rather a codec/processing issue brought on by Atmos content. XBOX S and Apple TV4k seem to be largest drivers of consistent complaints but Im not sure it’s limited to just those two as Ive seen a few comments from PS5, HTPC, and PC users as well.
So from my research, this does not appear to be a SONOS issue as it’s a Dolby Atmos issue. Ive been scouring the Microsoft forums and a lot of people are having this same pop/cracking issue when running Atmos content through their XSX or HTPC, even through a proper surround system.
Could you provide links? I’d like to check this out.
So from my research, this does not appear to be a SONOS issue as it’s a Dolby Atmos issue. Ive been scouring the Microsoft forums and a lot of people are having this same pop/cracking issue when running Atmos content through their XSX or HTPC, even through a proper surround system.
With eARC disabled, playing atmos content on Netflix and Amazon the Sonos app is stating it is currently playing Atmos content. Conversely, when I disable Atmos on Apple TV with eARC enabled the sound displays as Dolby 5.1 on the Sonos app.
Same for me. It used to be that turning off eARC meant DD5.1 from the Apple TV, which doesn’t do Atmos. Now the Apple TV is sending DD5.1+, which does support Atmos. Of course, you lose other features like the automatic A/V sync and lossless audio that eARC adds.
I’m looking forward to testing DD5.1+ Atmos on Arc when I have time. Maybe we can upgrade Arc support for Apple TV from broken to janky!
Wanted to post an update here since it’s been a while. I’ve been “pop free” for over a month now. All I had to do was disable eArc on my Sony television. I have the Arc, with 2 One SLs, and a sub. Television is Sony X900H. I can confirm that once I disabled eArc I was able to run Dolby Vision and Atmos content through the Apple TV with no popping.
I also own an Apple TV, 900H, and Arc. As far as I know, you cannot play Atmos with eARC off from the Apple TV with our television.
Please play Atmos content in the Apple TV and confirm that you are getting the Atmos logo in the Sonos app. And if you do, tell me how to pull that off!
I suspect you “fixed” the problem by disabling Atmos. Which is Sonos’ official recommendation for Apple TV and Xbox.
With eARC disabled, playing atmos content on Netflix and Amazon the Sonos app is stating it is currently playing Atmos content. Conversely, when I disable Atmos on Apple TV with eARC enabled the sound displays as Dolby 5.1 on the Sonos app.
Wanted to post an update here since it’s been a while. I’ve been “pop free” for over a month now. All I had to do was disable eArc on my Sony television. I have the Arc, with 2 One SLs, and a sub. Television is Sony X900H. I can confirm that once I disabled eArc I was able to run Dolby Vision and Atmos content through the Apple TV with no popping.
I also own an Apple TV, 900H, and Arc. As far as I know, you cannot play Atmos with eARC off from the Apple TV with our television.
Please play Atmos content in the Apple TV and confirm that you are getting the Atmos logo in the Sonos app. And if you do, tell me how to pull that off!
I suspect you “fixed” the problem by disabling Atmos. Which is Sonos’ official recommendation for Apple TV and Xbox.
Go to post “Sonos Arc loud pop then audio loss” and add your story. Sonos need to fix this.
Please go to the post “Sonos Arc loud pop then audio loss” and add you story/experince there. So we have everything at one place. Sonos needs to fix this.,
Wanted to post an update here since it’s been a while. I’ve been “pop free” for over a month now. All I had to do was disable eArc on my Sony television. I have the Arc, with 2 One SLs, and a sub. Television is Sony X900H. I can confirm that once I disabled eArc I was able to run Dolby Vision and Atmos content through the Apple TV with no popping.
One thing I read on another blog post which I’ve been able to confirm, is this only occurs when playing Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos at the same time on an Apple TV.
When I disable Dolby Vision, and use HDR 60Hz on Apple TV with Dolby Atmos enabled, the popping noise loss does not occur. When I turn Dolby vision back on, pop and noise loss within 10 min. Note only happens with Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos content.
Sony X900H
What started the issue was Xbox Series X. I never had this issue using Sonos with my Apple TV 4K with Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos both on for almost a year. Then once I got an Xbox Series X last week, it popped with Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos on the Xbox Series X enabled.
After this occurred with the Xbox Series X, Apple TV 4K started having issues immediately. Prior to Xbox Series X, zero issues with Apple TV 4K at any setting.
I tried changing out HDMI 2.1 cables, 8K 60Hz and 4K 120Hz. Not a cable issue. It only occurs when Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos is enabled. After the error occurs.
I sincerely hope Sonos addresses this. As it’s been a year now from all the complaints and still no resolution much less recent responses that provide an actual fix.