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I’ve a Sonos Arc connected to Samsung TV Q95T via eArc. I was able to get Sonos Arc Google Assistant to turn on the TV, however, for turning off, it does not work. Please advise. Thank you.

Hi @AjTrek1 

Indeed, I’ve researched and read many threads on different communities. 

I’m reaching out to Samsung in parallel.

Thank you,

Yes, I have a small LG TV with no ‘power off’ CEC command available … I contacted LG support in my case and they said it was entirely ‘by design’ on my particular model, so that when a user finishes watching a movie on a HDMI connected CEC-enabled DVD Player, they could power off that player without switching off the TV and thus it allows the user to then switch back to watching stored channels on the built-in TV tuner or built in Apps etc.

The only way to power off the TV in my case, was via an infrared signal, usually via its own remote.

I did workaround the issue however, by adding a harmony hub to the setup.. that can be programmed to turn the TV on/off via IR, aswell as adjusting volume and changing TV inputs and channels using Amazon Alexa or the Google Assistant.

Hi @sckhoo, thanks for the update. I agree with @AjTrek1, You may try his advice, and try to contact Samsung to further check on the issue. You may check this link for further reference on Google Assistant commands on Sonos.

We're here to answer any further questions you have.

Hi @AjTrek1 

Indeed, I’ve researched and read many threads on different communities. 

I’m reaching out to Samsung in parallel.

Thank you,

Hi @sckhoo 

Your issue may not lie with the Arc. Sometimes depending upon how the TV manufacturer has implemented the CEC all commands my not be possible. There are many threads on certain commands not working some are just the opposite of yours. Sad...but true. Try unplugging the TV from the wall, wait 30 seconds and plug it in again to initiate a new handshake between it and your Arc. 


Thanks @Simon B for looking into this. Yes, only turning off is not working. Turn on and adjusting the volume work. What other controller I can try? I just bought the Arc recently so no previous case to compare.

Hi @sckhoo, Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the community. With the issue that you have that the Google Assistant is not turning off after saying the command. I’ll ask some questions to check on this issue.

  • Is it only the turn off command on the Google Assistant which is not working?
  • Have you tried it on another controller to check if the same issue persists?
  • Did it work before? or when did it started happening?

Let us know how you get on with the advice above.

We're here to answer any further questions you have.