SONOS app on Chromebook loses track of current song, requires forced stop and restart

  • 12 June 2017
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 1
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When using the SONOS app on a Chromebook, it will start playing a song successfully. But when the next song begins, the new song never appears in the GUI. It still shows the old song. It also eventually stops responding to stop requests. It seems to lose communication with the speakers until I forcibly stop the app and restart it.

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6 replies

Out of interest, which Chromebook and which version of Chrome OS? The Sonos controller is of course not officially supported on Chrome OS at present.

Initially the Sonos controller wouldn't work on Chrome OS at all, because UDP multicast wasn't supported in the OS. Now it appears that's fixed, but inbound notifications from the player are being blocked. This is not the first report of the controller failing to keep in step.
Userlevel 1
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This is a Samsung Chromebook Plus.

This particular model supports most Android apps. I believe that all Android apps on Chrome OS are technically in "beta" until the end of the summer.

Chromebooks are becoming popular. I would expect to see more requests for better SONOS support, especially now that Chrome OS is increasingly supporting Android apps.
I agree. I've used Chromebooks for nearly 5 years.

There are clearly still wrinkles with the way Android is supported on Chrome OS, outwith Sonos' control. Hopefully they'll be resolved before Android on Chrome OS comes out of beta, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it. As an app, Sonos is very much in the minority in terms of its heavy dependency on local network communications.
Userlevel 5
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When using the SONOS app on a Chromebook, it will start playing a song successfully. But when the next song begins, the new song never appears in the GUI. It still shows the old song.

I see the same thing.

Better luck though with the the Android Google Play Music (GPM) app (on Chrome OS) casting to Sonos. Although I've only just begun trying it this seems to work correctly: track transitions are correctly handled in the UI, unlike the Sonos app. I've not encountered any obvious issues so far with GPM on Chrome OS casting to Sonos, apart perhaps from power consumption (although I'm not yet certain of this, and if it is occurring it may be a general 'Android on Chrome OS' issue).

This is on a Chromebook Pixel 2.

For me, this is all a major and welcome result. Hurrah!
My chromebook (Acer 14 for work) only recently got the ability to run adroid apps. I've been waiting for this for almost a year, specifically because I lacked a way to play to my Sonos system with it. I am pretty disappointed that the app doesn't work. I use a few services (Deezer, Amazon Prime mostly) and casting from yet another subscription like Google Play Music is not attractive to me. I have a fair bit of music in my Amazon library and Deezer has the selection of classic jazz and classical music I want plus higher bit rate. Please, Sonos, work on this.
An update - I restarted my chromebook to beta channel and things work much better. Even if I have to switch back due to other problems, seems like a hopeful sign that things may work better soon in stable channel too.