Lost alphabetical list of Pandora stations

  • 16 November 2017
  • 69 replies

Userlevel 3
Upgraded to 8.2 yesterday, and my Pandora stations are suddenly listed by date added, rather than alphabetically. I can see no way to change the sorting method back to alphabetical. This makes it rather inconvenient to browse my stations. If there is a way to re-sort, I would appreciate the tip. If not, it would be helpful for Sonos to make both sort methods available, rather than eliminating one in favor of another.

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69 replies

Sonos wants to drive users off their app- in a Seinfeld-worthy Bizzarro World Strategy... pandora’s app allows us to choose between “Last Played” or “Alphabetical List”- and so I’m leaving this awful Sonos app and only playing Pandora through my Sonos Speakers via their app... which provides options. Way to go Bizzarro Sonos- less users! Mission Accomplished on your slide to oblivion.

It's not Sonos trying to drive you off their app, it's Pandora forcing you to use theirs. Pandora controls how the Sonos app behaves (in regard to the Pandora stations), and it seem obvious to me that they are leaving features out of the Sonos app on purpose to make you use the Pandora app. So, you are actually giving Pandora what they want.

What we all should be doing is writing Pandora and telling them what we think of this dick move. And, if you are a paid Pandora subscriber, maybe think about whether it's worth it. There are other music options out there.
Userlevel 2
I did not buy Sonos to be forced to use a Pandora mobile app to navigate and listen. I am a customer of Sonos, this is a Sonos problem.
Userlevel 5
Badge +9
Not a Sonos problem. Where is the list of stations for your Pandora service? Somewhere at Sonos, NO. It is located on Pandora servers. Sonos makes available an API for any service to allow access from Sonos app to their music service. Pandora is in control. I advise letting them know your feelings. I have let them know i will be dropping my subscription in Feb when the current one ends. Pandora will take heed if they feel like they are losing subscribers. As mentioned above this happened when the Direct Control of Sonos from Pandora was added. It seems to be a push to get us to their app. Which in my case want happen. Sonos is my music player and i have multiple music services. If Pandora doesnt want to be a part of tha, so be it.
+1 on this thread/up-vote putting alpha sort back in. I have over a hundred Pandora stations that I use on a regular/modal basis. Organization was already somewhat painful but now this? SONOS, please put this feature back in! My system reliability has been degrading over the last year (still debugging), the app is less usable (Rooms...add/group...back...Browse Music...select...back...now goto room and do stuff - figure I'll eventually get used to this non-linear function but really don't care for it), but this recent little hit to UX is about my last straw. Feedback from a long-time customer and evangelist, I just can no longer recommend the product to anyone doing more than simple use cases.
Agreed, Pandora Team - this makes no sense. Whosever decision this was, please punch them once in the arm for every complaint on this feed. Yay, brutality!
I can see from the thread that while this is apparently a Pandora issue, it is really a Sonos issue. Sonos has a bit of sway with Pandora as a large account. PLEASE get them to fix this if they want to have Sonos customers!
The alpha listing was so much better than recently played. If you have 100 stations, that's a lot to scroll through to try to find the one you want today.
Userlevel 5
Badge +9
Well Pandora sort still not alpha in the new update 8.3. Didnt expect a change since it is more of a Pandora issue. Pandora subscription ends in mid Febuary and will not be renewed under the current state.
Please bring back Alphabetical sort of Pandora stations. It really affects my enjoyment of the service.
Userlevel 5
Badge +9
Just cancelled my subscription to Pandora. They didn't drive me to use their interface, they drove me to try other subscription services!
Pandora is going to lose a lot of business over this. One would think Pandora management would be all over Sonos management until it is fixed, but apparently not.
Userlevel 2
Pandora is going to lose a lot of business over this. One would think Pandora management would be all over Sonos management until it is fixed, but apparently not.
Pandora sorts alphabetically on every other platform and streaming player except Sonos after the recent Sonos upgrade. It is Sonos that is going to lose business, not Pandora. I will replace Sonos with an alternative that allows Pandora to work correctly.
I have a lot of money invested in the Sonos hardware. It is cheap and easy to switch streaming music services. If it comes down to a choice between ditching Pandora or ditching Sonos, it's bye-bye Pandora. Of course, with all the technical and customer relations bungling from both companies, neither of them may be around much longer.
Userlevel 1
I started another thread on this same topic, before I saw this one. Agree with all comments. Sonos, please restore a option for alphabetical sorting....
Userlevel 7
Badge +23
Sonos has never sorted any music service supplied list. EVER. The order of the items is determined by the service itself, ie Pandora in this case.
Userlevel 2
Upgraded to 8.2 yesterday, and my Pandora stations are suddenly listed by date added, rather than alphabetically. I can see no way to change the sorting method back to alphabetical. This makes it rather inconvenient to browse my stations. If there is a way to re-sort, I would appreciate the tip. If not, it would be helpful for Sonos to make both sort methods available, rather than eliminating one in favor of another.
Userlevel 2
Dear Sonos: Are there any updates to the Alphabetical sorting of Pandora stations? It's really a pain to scroll through all stations. Thank you.
Userlevel 7
Badge +26
Dear Sonos: Are there any updates to the Alphabetical sorting of Pandora stations? It's really a pain to scroll through all stations. Thank you.
Hi Jazzy, there's no news on a change here, though it should have updated on your system a while ago, not just today. I'll pass along your request to our team. Also, it's best to let Pandora know that you'd like to see the listing made Alphabetically on Sonos.