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Where is the Music Index stored, on a Sonos device or in the App Controllers?

  • 20 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Just curious,

When we Index our externally attached Music Library, where does Sonos store the Index?  Does each App controller have it’s own Index, or is there one master Index stored somewhere and shared with all other App controllers?  Is the index stored on a Sonos device that requires the use of memory? 

Also, does the Album Artwork come directly from the Library or is it also stored somewhere in a Sonos device or controller?

The reason I ask; wondering if a large Music Library Index could eat up memory on older Sonos devices that have limited memory and perhaps cause playback issues?

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Index is stored on each Sonos device.

Art I’m not sure about but think it is fetched as needed from the library.

There is limited space for the music index, both number of songs and meta-data for each contribute to usage. You are not allowed to see the usage level, you have to submit a diagnostic to Sonos Support and ask them about it.

There are a few topics here on internal memory use and issues but as we users can’t see much information most is guesswork beyond the most basic specs.