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In the new version of the app I can no longer log into my system to adjust the bass and modify my system. 
Thank all for the answers. 

Hi @Maravela 

Welcome to the Sonos Community! And, apologies for the delay.

Sorry to hear of the trouble you’ve been having. To confirm the right account and credentials, please log in at and verify that your system is registered to that account. If the email and password work on the webpage, they should in the app too. Please note that the majority of the email address is censored in the app, and people sometimes don’t realise that they are using the wrong email if it is similar to another.

It’s not unheard of for me to hear of visitors who also own Sonos systems accidentally transferring the system of the person they are visiting over to their own account - if this has happened to you, then please go to Settings icon » Manage » Transfer System Ownership to change the email address to which your Sonos system is registered.

Please note that the account that you are posting here with does not currently have any speakers registered to it.

I hope this helps.

Hello @Corry P 
Maybe I didn't explain myself well, sorry for my English.

I have a Sonos Arc, a Sub that are paired together, and for the garden that I use outside, I have a Move2.

All registered on the same Sonos App. Before changing the face of the Sonos App I could easily enter the settings to adjust the sub, more bass or less bass.

they changed the face of the Sonos App I can't enter the settings anymore, it pops up that I have to enter with my credentials, I enter my credentials and nothing happens, I do the thing over and over again, but I can't enter the home system created to adjust the volume of the Sub separately from the Sonos Arc.

And this is my problem, maybe I explained myself better now.

Hi @Maravela 

Thanks for the clarification - I think I do indeed understand better now.

Does the app ask you to “sign in as the system owner”? If so, this is an issue that was resolved recently - please ensure both your Sonos system and your Sonos app are up-to-date and try things again.

If you haven’t tried for a few days, you may not even need to do that much - our update was delayed, and yet this issue is still marked as resolved, so it may have involved changes only on our side of things.

I hope this helps.


Thanks for the reply.
I tried again for 5-6 times, the app is updated, but nothing changes, the same message comes out "enter as system owner" I log in with my credentials, and the thing repeats itself endlessly.…


Hi @Maravela 

Understood, and thanks for trying those steps. It sounds like our fix did not work and we will need to reopen the ticket for it.

When I report this, it will likely help to have a diagnostic that I can provide - could you please submit a support diagnostic and let me know here when you have done so (please don’t share the given number)? Thanks.

Hi Corry

Last week, Wednesday or Thursday, I don't remember exactly.
I did it again now, today 02.09.2024, 4-5 times.


Moderator edit: removed pictures with email address

Hi @Maravela 

Thanks for that! Unfortunately, I cannot find your diagnostics as you seem to be using different email addresses for your Sonos system and for posting here on the community (I realised this after removing the pictures with your email address above).

Could you please send me a private message with the email address you have your system registered to? If you are uncomfortable doing this, please re-submit new diagnostics and message me the number you are given at the end of the process. Thanks.

Hi @Maravela 

Hi @Maravela 

Thanks for that! Unfortunately, I cannot find your diagnostics as you seem to be using different email addresses for your Sonos system and for posting here on the community (I realised this after removing the pictures with your email address above).

Could you please send me a private message with the email address you have your system registered to? If you are uncomfortable doing this, please re-submit new diagnostics and message me the number you are given at the end of the process. Thanks.

It now appears that the above may be the reason for what you are seeing. I recommend that you transfer ownership of your Sonos system to your email address, being very careful about not making any typos when you do so.

Settings icon » Manage » Transfer System Ownership » Continue.

If you wish, you can still submit a support diagnostic and send the given number in a private message so we can very this for you.

I hope this helps.