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Two different podcasts, one plays normally but the other one takes longer to load and cuts off at the end

  • 15 March 2023
  • 1 reply

I listen to two podcasts on my free time: The Joe Rogan Show, and recently, Deep Questions with Cal Newport. Now, I can start the Joe Rogan podcast on Spotify and it’ll play immediately on my Sonos One (Realistically it’s a 2-3 second delay), and I’ll be able to listen to it till the end, like normal.

However, if I click on Newport’s podcast, it’ll take longer (6-9 seconds), if I pause and resume the podcast it’ll take the same amount of time, it’ll normally restart an episode I’m in the middle of even though Spotify says I’m listening to the middle of it, but the most frustrating part is that around the 3 minute mark of time left (One time it picked 5) it’ll cut off for a moment and return to a previous audio clip of the podcast, and it’ll play over, and over, and over. If I try to listen to the rest of the podcast, the same thing will happen at smaller intervals.


Why does this happen? Has anyone else encountered this issue and/or managed to solve it?

Hi @Merty,

I’m not sure why a specific podcast would take longer than another to start if it’s from the same music service. It’s possible that the length of the podcast could effect the time for it to load and buffer, though I don’t know the lengths of the episodes so can’t confirm.

I’d suggest trying with other podcasts as a test, if they also run into the same issue where it takes around 5-10 seconds to initiate playback, then it would be worth submitting a diagnostics and reaching out to our support team for further troubleshooting.

If it’s just Deep Questions that takes longer to load however, and all other podcasts are fine, then I’d suggest checking with Spotify support.

I hope this information helps!