Over the past month or so I am finding that playlist tracks skip prematurely to the next track when using the Spotify service with cross fade enabled. Tracks pay in full when cross fade is switched off.
We believe this issue to now be resolved with the most recent update (15.7). Please ensure your Sonos system is up to date.
If you still experience this issue, however, I’d encourage you get in touch with our technical support team to report as much. Thank you.
No, I am not a subscriber to Spotify, they would have little reason to listen to someone who is not providing income to them.
Have you spoken to Spotify and resolved the problem. ?
No, Sonos employees in this forum are marked as being so. I am not a Sonos employee.
Thank you for the reply. Do you work for Sonos ?
This remains a problem that Spotify needs to rectify, not Sonos.
They still have not resolved the problem. Very disappointing
Does anyone know if Sonos are any closer to solving the problem???????
I see the issue has STILL not been resolved. Will have to phone now
Playing music tonight. Have taken the cross fade off but still skipping songs. When is going to be sorted ????????
This is a separate issue, not related to crossfade. Likely this is a local network issue, but it could also be a problem with the Spotify connection speed. We don’t have access to diagnostic data as Community members. Within 10 minutes of an event, submit a diagnostic, log the confirmation number, and contact SONOS phone support. Network and server issues leave tracks in the diagnostics.
Playing music tonight. Have taken the cross fade off but still skipping songs. When is going to be sorted ????????
The galling thing in all of this is that it can lead people to change their music service, when in fact it is Sonos that could be the problem. Why the apparent silence from them on this?
Playing music tonight. Have taken the cross fade off but still skipping songs. When is going to be sorted ????????
I have 6 play ones. , one sound bar , 1 ply 5 , 1 play ,3 and I would love to buy the sub woofer but until this issue is resolved I won’t be buying one. Please please resolve this. You must have the IT support to solve it as the system is not cheap. So what do you spend your profits on.
Sonos tech support:
One more comment on this Spotify/crossfade song-skipping issue: One of the reasons it’s inadequate to disable crossfade in some home setups (like mine) is amplifier-related. I have a couple of large amps powering speakers throughout the house that are connected to Sonos Ports. These amps are typically hidden from view and switch on/off automatically when they sense enough of an input signal (i.e., from a Port). Unfortunately, when there is a meaningful signal delay between songs (for example, when a given song starts or ends very quietly, or fades out similarly), automated on/off amps will shut down … and (seconds later) power back up again when they sense enough of an input signal. Crossfade solves this problem and keeps these kinds of amps from repetitively cycling on/off, which is terrible for the hardware.
Just wanted to provide one more reason to please try and escalate this issue internally … posted from a long-time customer with a lot of Sonos products throughout a connected home.
The problem is with the Sonos Ap. If it’s happening through Spotify then Sonos needs to communicate with to sort the issue. It’s been going on for to long
Yes, an awful lot of Sonos app users will stream from Spotify and, like myself, enjoy using the crossfade function. Can’t understand the apparent lack of progress in getting this resolved
The problem is with the Sonos Ap. If it’s happening through Spotify then Sonos needs to communicate with to sort the issue. It’s been going on for to long
And, as far as I’m aware, the ‘fix’ needs to occur on Spotify’s side of the service, since this isn’t happening on all streamers.
I understand Sonos Staff are aware of this issue, as it’s mentioned in several other threads here in the community and a fix is awaited. As you mention the workaround is to switch off crossfade for now.
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