Ive added my Spotify account and my Wife’s Spotify account, and the identifying names are showing in the Services & Voice screen to differentiate between them.
However in the Browse screen it just shows the name ‘Spotify’ twice so its hard to know which account you are browsing from.
Is there any way to show the nominated account names in the browse screen?
I've attached screenshots of what I am seeing in the android app.
There's nothing showing the nominated name outside of the settings screen
That is quite different to the iOS app. On there the main Browse list shows one entry for Spotify, with a subtitle of the nickname. Once tapped on, the Spotify page has a popup menu showing all Spotify accounts.
Looks like an Android-specific issue.
I previously had Deezer connected with different accounts and those different names showed up. Unfortunately I don't have any screen shots of that setup
Hi @krokun
Understood. Thank you for the screenshots - I’ve flagged this with an engineer for investigation.
In direct answer to your initial question, there isn’t a way to do this as it should be happening already. Thanks for flagging!
Hi @krokun
My colleague (I only have one Spotify account, so need someone else to test for me) was unable to reproduce what you see - he only sees one Spotify entry in the Browse screen, and can select which account to use in the next screen, as shown:
I would ask, therefore, that you ensure that both your Sonos system and your Sonos app are fully up to date (do Settings » System » System Updates » Check for updates once, and if it does need to update, repeat this step after the update is complete)
Next, if things are still the same, please try removing both accounts from Sonos and adding them again: