All of my Sonos playlists have disappeared. I have not added any of them to a speaker recently but had two that were “location specific” and were used regularly for a couple of months. Sonos needs to fix this asap! I have tried everything I can think of to find them in the app and on the phone.
I have the same problem, then I tried the new Web version of Sonos and when I went to Sonos Playlists they slowly filled in. So they are not lost, only not working on the new Sonos App.
I have lost my favourite playlists too. Some have taken me years to build. This better get sorted Sonos. From an unhappy customer.
This update needs to be rolled back immediately. I've lost all my playlists and there seems to be a focus on media services. I use my media from my Nas drive and I can't access it.
Is there a quick way to roll back this update on my IOS device?
This is absolutely terrible from SONOS. I won't be updating it on any other device I have.
Your playlists are most likely still there so don’t panic - mine were. If you can, take a look with a desktop app or with an un-updated Android/iOS device. The app update has not affected your “real” Sonos system (running in the speakers). It is well worth reverting the update, for which you can find instructions elsewhere in this forum (although Sonos will not help you).
I found my playlist. The problem I am having is I can’t add songs to the playlists. Or at least I can’t figure out how to in the new app.
I have spoken with SONOS this morning and they have advised that there will no support for personal media libraries on the new app, it will only be supported on the desktop app but only until they release the web version of the desktop app.
So this is a huge issue for people like me who solely use my NAS and my personal media library.
Wait. So even if I wanted to make a playlist in my app, I can’t? That is ridiculous. Who would go to the trouble of going to a desktop app. I only use my iPhone my app. It was so convenient. You like a song, you add, done.
How irritating! Same here, have dozens of Sonos playlists with local music and only 1 shows in the app- a Spotify playlist. Wonderful. But, phew, the playlists do show fine on my Mac Sonos app and PC Sonos app. They are just links to song locations - how hard was it to just keep that? Streaming is great - and it was cool to mix local and streamed songs together.
They really need to rethink this.
Just logged into this for 1st time as the app update is absolute crap.
all my playlists have gone. Online support is “MEH! we are sorry!!!!” WTAF!?🤬
I kindly explained about Gerald Ratner 1991 and The new Coke 1985 about how organisations f****d it all up when having something decent going before changing the original.
appeared lost on the online muppet and all I got was “sorry we’re working on it”.
as a few have said great speakers. Shite app support.
This is a BIG BS update. I will definitely NEVER buy a Sonos product again if that isn’t sorted out!!! Quickly!!!
A few months ago the links to Soundcloud titles were messed up by some update and could only be fixed by exporting the playlists, correcting the links and re-importing it again, with a third party app, because Sonos seems to give a shit about customer needs and never provided export/import functionality.
And now with this DOWNGRADE of the iOS app all playlists gone! And usability of the app is very!! questionable.
Same problem. I have several large custom playlists built over several years. GONE with the new app. WTF Sonos?! How do I get the old Sonos app reinstalled?
Like others, I will never buy another Sonos product unless this is sorted.
Likewise all my favourite playlist from Deezer and my local music are greyed out, only one shows that’s a radio station that does work. Clicking on any of them come up with the wonder error message “sorry something went wrong”
Can’s delete them, can’t recreate them. Literally unable to play the music I have set up since the update.
suggestion of using Spotify are fantastic as I don’t have Spotify and when used in the past it makes my ears ring / fatigue after a short while.
In an astonishing act of self-immolation SONOS appears to have dumped personal playlists - ignoring the effort of curation and betrayed the trust of users. I would advise anyone who has not updated to the May 2024 app to hold-off for now. “First come the innovators, who see opportunities that others don’t. Then come the imitators, who copy what the innovators have done. And then come the idiots, whose avarice undoes the very innovations they are trying to use to get rich.” Warren Buffett.
As others have stated, playlists are stored in the speakers. The desktop app will show them for now. *Other independent app controller that I use, have playlist functions and are great: SonoPad and Sonophone.
It’s even worse: the new app shows only up to 50 playlists per service. Therefore, if you have more than 50 playlists, good luck! What a piece of crap!
In an astonishing act of self-immolation SONOS appears to have dumped personal playlists - ignoring the effort of curation and betrayed the trust of users. I would advise anyone who has not updated to the May 2024 app to hold-off for now. “First come the innovators, who see opportunities that others don’t. Then come the imitators, who copy what the innovators have done. And then come the idiots, whose avarice undoes the very innovations they are trying to use to get rich.” Warren Buffett.
As others have stated, playlists are stored in the speakers. The desktop app will show them for now. *Other independent app controller that I use, have playlist functions and are great: SonoPad and Sonophone.
Very well said. This is an epic failure of the Sonos leadership team, on par with the S1/S2 debacle. I get that they’re likely making a cut when people sign up for streaming services and their may be other technical reasons behind their decision to dump personal playlist support, however the way this was carried out, with zero user notice and lacking an “easy” way to transition the playlists ahead of time, was either calculated stupidity or a total managerial breakdown. What you’ve done is not only leave your (well healed) users frustrated and feeling abandoned, but impacted people like me (with technical backgrounds) with older parents now panicking over the loss of years worth of curated playlists. I can help my folks fix this, but I’m angry AF at Sonos.
How a company with such amazing hardware and such impressive market capture could continue making such astonishingly bad user experience decisions with such lack of communication and forethought is worthy of its own college-level management course. I’ve been in IT leadership for over 25 years and I can think of a hundred different ways to cost effectively make such a transition with little to no user headaches. Sonos either just doesn’t hire very well; has inept leadership, or someone high up decided to piss people off hoping that the cost savings of doing so would either go unnoticed or pay off in the long run. Good job handing more of your market to your competitors, yet again. For those of you so inclined, search for Sonos Corporate Governance- Any make your displeasure at this round of screwups heard.
Me too. No playlists and no ability to create them. Just add as "favorite". Probably THE most important feature gone. And no word if it's coming back, at least that I can find.
Same for me, lost my playlist and gutted reading the comments on this thread (tellingly none from SONOS!!!!).

Sonos chat said that the Playlists feature was not currently available in the Sonos upgrade & will return in a future update. Ridiculous. Also they cannot say how long it will take to get the Playlists included in the next update!
I to have lost all my playlists that i have spent hours creating. This is the only reason I use Sonos.
how can I view or get them back?? can I go back to the old version of the app?
To add to my earlier comment. I now have a very expensive Sonos system I am unable to use as I am no longer able to see my playlists.
Just forced to update to the new SONOS app right now. Very sad to see all of my SONOS playlists gone. I have tried everything to find them. I loved the simplicity of the previous version. All my playlists were set up perfectly and I have had it like this since I purchased my first SONOS speaker in 2016. It is disheartening and incredibly frustrating to see this lost functionality. The previous version(s) of the application gave anyone in my home access to easily look up my playlists because many of the people I know in my family, as well as friends, have very similar music tastes to me. I even set up a playlist for my girlfriend to use when she comes over, songs we both love. Now we cannot even listen easily to our pre-built playlists. SONOS, please fix this right away - don’t continue to destroy things that are good, we have enough of that going on in the world all around us on the daily!
I’m repeating this to help people who missed it:
THE WORKAROUNDS FOR PLAYLISTS. (They are stored locally on your speakers.)
- use the independent apps, SonoPad or Sonophone.
- use the Sonos desktop app (which has not yet been de-featured).
- For backup, export playlists to a device using the app Phonos plus.
Other ideas, please add…
The facility to add tracks to specific Spotify playlists while listening on the Sonos player seems to have removed or dropped. Very disappointing, and doesn’t make sense. Again, the curating features of the Sonos have been downgraded, turning me off the service and the product.