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New podcast shows not visible in Sonos app

  • 30 August 2021
  • 1 reply


Trying to see if someone has this problem, or even better if someone can figure out how to solve it.

I have a few podcast apps connected to Sonos, mainly using pocket casts and stitcher. I have noticed that when I add a new podcast show to the app (I.e. Pocket Casts) quite often I cannot see that show from the Sonos app. Sometimes it fixes itself after a few hours, but sometimes it doesn't, and I'm therefore unable to play that show via Sonos.


Thanks in advance to anyone who can give a hand.









Sonos doesn’t have control over what you see on the app. What they have is a link to someone else’s server, and they report back to you whatever information that server reports to them. 

You may want to reach out to the folks at PocketCasts for further information about the issues you’re experiencing.