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I downloaded the new app which was my first mistake. But when I try the to make changes in the system like group speakers, the grouping happens but the IOS app will not recognize it. it defaults to selecting the first speaker in the list and will not reflect any changes. Anyone else running into this bug?

I have 2 amps, one for my kitchen and one for my patio and no matter what I do it keeps defaulting back to my kitchen (1st in list). It still plays out of outside but shows it playing on the kitchen amp. The new release is buggy beyond belief 


they just released an update but it still has the bug we are experiencing 

This thing is so bad I almost suspect sabotage

I have 2 amps, one for my kitchen and one for my patio and no matter what I do it keeps defaulting back to my kitchen (1st in list). It still plays out of outside but shows it playing on the kitchen amp. The new release is buggy beyond belief 


they just released an update but it still has the bug we are experiencing 

So it turns out the selector on the bottom are “sheets”which makes it even more confusing