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Music library (samba on Raspberry Pi) showing inaccurate track lengths

  • 5 December 2023
  • 10 replies

Hey folks. I’ve got a Raspberry Pi 4B hosting a samba share on my network that I’m using as my music library in Sonos. The share itself is using SMB is a 128 GB USB 3 flash drive formatted as exfat and remounted on every reboot with fstab.

My hardcore nerd kicked in and I cut together some 12-hour tracks of ambient sounds from Star Trek as sleep aids. As you can see from the Explorer screenshot, the tracks themselves vary in length from 11:58:59 to 12:00:00. When they show up in Sonos, though, the track lengths vary WILDLY from anything as short as 5:37:05 (less than half the length) to something as long as 45:23:54 (almost THREE TIMES the length of the actual track).

Is this a known issue? Do I need to update something in a config? I didn’t have this issue when I was hosting the exact same files from a samba share directly from Windows, but I decided to offload it to the Pi to ensure higher availability.


Agreed…although I’m still laying that at the feet of Apple, but this is indeed the community site that I use the most. It’s certainly frustrating to go away a few minutes in another tab, and return to this open tab, and have been logged out for no apparent reason. Added to that is it doesn’t seem to be consistent. 

Heh. There was a recent change in an iOS update that logs me out frequently too….otherwise I suspect I wouldn’t have noticed it either. Much as I await to blame GainSight (the company who makes this forum software) I don’t think it’s reasonable, since it was an Apple change… ;)

Yes, I get logged out this forum far more often too, than used to be the case.. it’s just another instance of a few ‘gripes’ I have with using the community site on an iPad. It’s not as user-friendly as it used to be.

Heh. There was a recent change in an iOS update that logs me out frequently too….otherwise I suspect I wouldn’t have noticed it either. Much as I await to blame GainSight (the company who makes this forum software) I don’t think it’s reasonable, since it was an Apple change… ;)

Good catch. Not sure why the session didn’t hold.. wonder if it was a Chrome Custom Tabs issue. Now that I’m back on a computer I’ll check out the thread.

Oh… one thing I just noticed about that screen grab you posted…you weren’t logged in at the time. I’m wondering if access to archived posts requires you to be logged in. 

Interesting. The link loads for me fine, and takes me to a thread called ‘Diagnostic Reports - How. Do they work?’

It is an archived thread, but that shouldn’t make any difference, you should have full access to that area, we all do/should. I will do a report to a moderator about the issue, and hopefully that will draw attention to your diagnostic as well. 

There’s no ‘hopefully’ involved. Read the Diagnostics - How do they work? thread. If a moderator doesn’t have time to pick it up from your post, it won’t be looked at by Sonos unless you call in. 

Well, your link doesn't load, see below. It's not yet a high enough priority for me to call in. So, as I said originally and as you indicated is entirely possible if "a moderator picks it up from my] post," hopefully someone from Sonos will see it.


There’s no ‘hopefully’ involved. Read the Diagnostics - How do they work? thread. If a moderator doesn’t have time to pick it up from your post, it won’t be looked at by Sonos unless you call in. 

I’d send in a diagnostic and post it here where staff may see it.

If you really want an answer calling Sonos support with the diagnostic number is the best bet.

Decent idea. Diagnostic #1781032643 submitted. Hopefully someone from Sonos will see it.

I’d send in a diagnostic and post it here where staff may see it.

If you really want an answer calling Sonos support with the diagnostic number is the best bet.