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Sorry if this topic has come up before and if there are solutions being developed.  However, I have built and rebuilt my music libraries at least 6 times now.  Each time I create them I am able to establish them and index all of the files.  Then I am able to play music from them for a day or two.  Then after a day or two the music libraries have disappeared and it is as if they have never been created.  Needless to say, I am sick and tired of having to rebuild these libraries every few days.  I am really at the point where I am ready to ditch my Sonos system and make an investment in a different system that is reliable and stable.  I used to really love my Sonos system and have enjoyed it for many years.  But these days the reliability of the system and the app are so poor it is not even worth using it any more.  Please tell me something is being done to fix this.

Hi @Lönne 

As it’s the speakers that do the Music Library indexing, I think it more likely that this fix was implemented in firmware (in other words, had nothing to do with any of the apps).

As long as your speakers are up to date, you should no longer see this behaviour.

I hope this helps.


I have the exact same issues here as well since a couple of months now. I’m glad that I’m not alone and it has nothing to do with my specific setup. Even though I tried a lot of things to fix (smaller library, SMB-Version used on NAS, etc.), nothing worked so far. 


Hi @JohnB1106 et al

We now consider this issue to be resolved with the latest updates.

@Corry P: Do you mean by this: Speaker Version 81.1-58074 (or higher)?

Since it should not be an app-related issue (as far as I understand it), the (Desktop-)App Version should not have an effect on it, correct?

I will try it and report back here in a couple of days.

Hi @JohnB1106 et al

We now consider this issue to be resolved with the latest updates.

If you still experience this issue, please first ensure your Sonos system is up-to-date, and then call in if still experiencing it.

Thank you for your patience.

In my case, my Music Library is hosted on my Synology NAS which is always on, and I do have auto re-indexing turned on. In all the years I have been using Sonos, this was the first time I had to re-add my library. 

@JohnB1106 Indexing of a music library is not done by the desktop, mobile or tablet apps. It is done by the speaker(s). You’ll be pleased (not) to know that the speaker firmware 16.3/16.3.1 has issues with indexing, known issue, no ETA for fix… 

This is why the Mac/PC hosting a library needs to be on for it to complete else the speakers can’t build the library index that *they* hold. The apps do not hold an index or queue contents, they get that from the speakers. 

Do you turn off the Mac/PC containing the library? Does it stay around longer if you leave the Mac/PC on? 

Also do you have or did you have automated library re-indexing enabled? I’m going to guess that if the Mac/PC that hosts the library is off and an automated scan happens that it might decide the library is no longer there? Pure guess… likewise, maybe the new Sonos discovery code makes a similar (poor) decision if the PC/Mac hosting a library is off for a while… 


Same issue.
Couldn't agree more with the sentiment on this thread.
Once a loyal fan of Sonos, I am not only passing on the headphones Sonos rushed to market, but looking for a new system entirely.  
Sonos has really disappointed me with the last software update that broke many features, but my last speaker purchase took many attempts to get it to configure properly with my system.



I just noticed the same prom on my Windows desktop app.  SONOS, you are messing things up royally!  Oh, and the Apple support steps you referred to are nonsense.  Fix your damn software!

Hi @JohnB1106 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Thank you for reporting this - we are aware of the issue and are investigating. We do not have an ETA for when a fix might be put in place.

In the meantime, it’s possible that following the steps in this article will prevent this issue:

I hope this helps.

That is the most f**** JOKE that SONOS could provide as an answer !! “we aware of the issue..” oh yea  ?? That is great you know you’ve completely messed up the app 4 months with not yet a fix on the horizon and looking upon your customers. GREART JOB.

I’m seeing the same problem. My (iTunes) music library is on a local Windows server that’s using SMB 2.1. We use the Sonos App in Android, iPhone and iPad, plus the Windows desktop app.

Everything was stable for many years until the recent app upgrade fiasco, at which point the music library disappeared. I eventually found I could resurrect it using the Windows desktop app (using Add music folder and selecting the Networked device option), but it would vanish again after 7-10 days, with no obvious cause.

I’ve also found that after (re)adding the folder, I must keep using the PC to keep it awake until indexing has completed. Otherwise the app will fail to add the folder.

Speakers are running S2 version 16.3.1 and the Windows app is S2 Version 16.3

Hi @JohnB1106 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Thank you for reporting this - we are aware of the issue and are investigating. We do not have an ETA for when a fix might be put in place.

In the meantime, it’s possible that following the steps in this article will prevent this issue:

I hope this helps.

Yes, I am running this on the Mac desktop app because I can see no way to create a music library from scratch on the mobile app, nor is there any way to update my music library using the mobile app.  I stumbled upon this “solution” by mere chance as I have always in the past been able to create and update my music library through the mobile app.  What happens is that I can fully create and reindex my complete music libraries from scratch using the desktop app.  At that point, I can play music using either the desktop app or mobile app.  If I wait a couple of days then go back to the desktop app the music libraries are gone, as if they had never been created.  Of course, they are no longer present in the mobile app as well.  I say “libraries” because early on when I first encountered the problem I split my music library into two separate folders thinking the size of the music folder was part of the problem.   Apparently, that was not the case although I think my music library was approaching the prescribed maximum anyway.  So, it was probably a good idea to break it into two distinct folders.  Indexing and random naming of files and tracks continues to be fairly wonky.  So, the inherent problem is not just with the mobile app but with the desktop app as well.

Sorry if this topic has come up before and if there are solutions being developed.  However, I have built and rebuilt my music libraries at least 6 times now.  Each time I create them I am able to establish them and index all of the files.  Then I am able to play music from them for a day or two.  Then after a day or two the music libraries have disappeared and it is as if they have never been created. 

Hi @JohnB1106, by chance are you running the Windows/Mac desktop app? I can kinda-sorta imagine circumstances where you music library might ‘disappear’ on the mobile app, but my expectation would be that your music library would be stable on the desktop app. I’m thinking of the desktop app as an experiment rather than a solution: if your music library is stable on the desktop app and disappears on the mobile app, that would narrow things down.

It’s odd, I can’t think of any reason why this would be happening. Have you called Sonos Support directly to discuss it?

All updates were completed prior to my original post.

Did you run the system update this week (Settings - Manage - System Update - Check for Updates), and also update your app today. I’m not suggesting this is the fix but worth checking you’re on the latest firmware and software.