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  • 5 September 2024
  • 5 replies

Hi all, since the app update I can’t login. App continually says login to update system. Nothing has changed apart from the app. Constantly says something went wrong. Emailed the ceo and support on numerous occasions with no reply. I’ve rolled all the recommendations and it still doesn’t work. Anyone got any other ideas apart from selling ang buying Bose,

 Maybe this will help.  Also some have mentioned a DNS issue.  I’m not one who has ever had to deal with DNS issues, but there are those on this community who probably have.

Thanks for reply, but I’ve tried that with no success.  I’m close to throwing Sonos in the bin now. I must have tried every possible way but stuck in a loop. Just get “something went wrong try again “ yet I’m logged into my account.  I try and update but it won’t let me unless I sign in as system owner then go round and round in circles. Sonos app has never been the best but it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as it is now. If I can’t update I can’t see it getting any better. Why they haven’t reverted to old app while new is getting sorted is madness. Any sensible company would do this unless they want to go out of business!

Hi @Century 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Sorry to hear of this issue you are having with signing in to the Sonos app. Are you using the same email to sign in to the Sonos app as you are using to log in here on the community? I ask because the email you are using here on the community does not have system registered to it, so it is definitely not the email you want to be logging into the app with.

The last person that I helped with this issue had their system registered to an email address with a typo in it, but were unable to determine so as the Sonos app only displays the email you are logged in with and not the email to which the system is registered. We will be changing this.

In case you have a similar problem, and only if you actually want your system to be registered to the address you are using here, please try transferring ownership of the Sonos system to the email address you are using here by logging out of the app, then going to Settings icon » Manage » Transfer System Ownership.

I hope this helps.

Thanks for the reply.

i’ve factory reset everything and changed to different WiFi and started from scratch. It all works now but had serious problems getting beam to issue pin chime. It probably took a good dozen attempts before it worked. The only issue i have now is there is no hardware section showing for beam and Sonos one’s, so can’t turn lights off on speakers. Not the end of the world just really frustrating. Login all good now!

many thanks

Hi @Century 

I’m glad that you have things sorted out now, but sorry to hear that you had to go to that extent!

No hardware section? There are, in a way, two such screens, and I wonder if you have found the wrong one?

Just to be sure, are you going to Settings icon » nroom with Beam] and scrolling down to “Hardware”? Here, you will find setting for lights and touch-controls for the whole room.

Light and Touch settings are for a room, not a single device

If you instead select one of the devices listed under “Products” you will find the Hardware section that relates to signal strength and disabling WiFi on individual devices.

I hope this helps.

