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I am now getting “An alarm is playing in X room” in-app notifications all the time. Seems to be happening since the last update. I know an alarm is going off. I set the goddamn thing. I want it to go off. What I don’t want is a pop up notification telling me it’s going off. That is incredibly stupid and annoying. I see no way to turn off this notification. I am on the most recent app update, iOS.

The only thing for “Pop-up Messages” in the whole app I can find are for when “new prodcuts or features are available” in the App Prefences section. Doesn’t seem like that’s the place to disable this. Doesn’t seem to be anything about pop-up notifications in the alarm section of the app either...

Hi ​@chomskyknows

I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues with alarms in the Sonos app. Our last update added the option to snooze alarms in the app with a pop-up notification, which has the options: Snooze, Stop, and Keep Listening. The notification popping up with those options is expected behaviour. 

The notification should only show once per alarm though (unless you Snooze it, in which it will resume automatically after 9 minutes), so if a notification keeps showing up for the same alarm, please let me know.

Currently there is no option to stop the snooze notifications, but I can forward this to the relevant teams as a feature request.

I hope this information helps!


Thank you.

It is annoying behavior IMO. Give us the option to turn this off… 

A lot of us use these “alarms” as “schedulers”.

I have a TON of these playing random music throughout the day. You are litterally spamming me with pop-ups now all day long, that I have to click a thing to make go away. My guess is a bunch of us use it the way I do. 

Even if I weren’t using it this way I can see how this would be utterly annoying to some just using it as an alarm. There are 2 types of people using alarms as alarms. People that get up immediately or relatively immediately after alarms. 2) doofuses that hit the snooze over and over again pissing off their roommates (the person that will find your annoying snooze useful).

Understand that people use this function as a scheduler, not just an alarm. You should re-brand the concept that way anyway...

Isn’t the the Sonos ‘Alarm’ feature an ‘Alarm’, not a music scheduler? My guess is your requirement for a music scheduler is something different, eg something like this:

It’s called an “alarm” — I’ve used it as an alarm and a scheduler. It’s another thing that worked, then they took it away, then they brought it back, then it’s buggy sometimes for some people, and now they’ve made it completely worse because now it is spamming me with garbage I don’t want to see. 

If I open the weather app on my phone, I don’t want a stupid pop-up notification that says “hey buddy, just so ya know, there’s weather happening…” No s*** really? Then I have to click that stupid message off to get to the damn weather.


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Very annoying update.
