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Can't add folder to music library (913)

Anyone know how to fix error 913? Mac OS 13.6.6 Cheers.

OK, so it looks like the TP-Link supports SMB v2 if you’re on the latest firmware. So that’s potentially good news and goes some way to explain why it’s appeared. 

My guess is the new discovery protocols are struggling with the non-standard config you have with the ISP router and the TP-Link as an Access Point. I presume the TP-Link is connected to the FIOS via ethernet?

Also, do you have IGMP settings enabled on the TP Link? I’d look for anything similar on the FIOS too … 

Ian, correct on the ethernet connection and will look for IGMP settings on the FIOS router and TP LINK router. thanks again, good weekend to you!


»   OK, so it looks like the TP-Link supports SMB v2 if you’re on the latest firmware.

I have only the SMB v1 on my desktop PC, which I unchecked.  How does one put SMB v2 on one’s computer?  Download it and from where?

Sonos is completely unhelpful.  I haven’t phoned them in 2-3 months.  Googling various threads has not led to any sort of working solution.



»   OK, so it looks like the TP-Link supports SMB v2 if you’re on the latest firmware.

I have only the SMB v1 on my desktop PC, which I unchecked.  How does one put SMB v2 on one’s computer?  Download it and from where?

Sonos is completely unhelpful.  I haven’t phoned them in 2-3 months.  Googling various threads has not led to any sort of working solution.



Hello, you’ll need to provide a bit more information regarding what version of I assume Windows you’re using. I’ve attached a link here on how to detect and disable SMB v1 but it applies to WIn 10 etc. If you’re on Windows 7 you’ll use a slightly different approach…,run%20SMB2%20on%20your%20computer.

 This is what I used.

»  Hello, you’ll need to provide a bit more information regarding what version of I assume Windows you’re using. I’ve attached a link here on how to detect and disable SMB v1 but it applies to WIn 10 etc. If you’re on Windows 7 you’ll use a slightly different approach… 


I have Windows 11 on a Dell XPS 8930 desktop.  I’ve already disabled SMB v1 but there is no option to enable SMB v2.


I tried but I get the response “false.”  My Windows 11 is up-to-date.

Hi @User966103, as shown in the article above to enable SMBv2 …

  • open PowerShell as Administrator
  • type (without quotes) “Set-SmbServerConfiguration –EnableSMB2Protocol $true

I get “invalid argument” as a response when I typed in the above.


I tried to update my Powershell but the instructions are complicated and confusing to a layman such as myself.





I get “invalid argument” as a response when I typed in the above.


I tried to update my Powershell but the instructions are complicated and confusing to a layman such as myself.

Hi @User966103, no need to update PowerShell, just ignore that message.

Try cutting-and-pasting the command below into PowerShell (as Administrator) …

Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB2Protocol $true

… I’ve replaced the mdash character with a regular dash and confirmed that it works. When you paste that command the first part will appear yellow, the middle part will appear gray, and the last part will appear green.

I copied and pasted the command and I do get the yellow gray and green command.  It then asks me to confirm and I type in “Y,” but nothing then happens.

I copied and pasted the command and I do get the yellow gray and green command.  It then asks me to confirm and I type in “Y,” but nothing then happens.

Hi @User966103, run the PowerShell command …

Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB2Protocol

… it should now return TRUE.

Yes, it is saying “true.”  It appears that I can connect and now add my Music Library (on my PC’s hard drive) to my Sonos system.  This has taken 4-5 months to figure out.  I stumbled onto it.  I’m hoping this really DOES it.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed, after so many aborted attempts.


Thank you so much for your suggestions and taking the time to reply.  I could never have done it otherwise.  I’ve written on dozens of Sonos Forum threads about my situation--to no avail, until now.




After a few hours, now again I’m getting the same error (913), unable to add the shared music library to Sonos.
