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Odd one here.


I create a new album every year from Proms concert mp3s and store them in an album named “Proms (yyyy)”.

Time was when I clicked on the album name when I searched for “Proms” under albums it would list all the tracks. Now on all those albums I get no songs (tracks listed). I can find them if I search the track individually and they play. I am getting this on the Mac controller, iPhone app and Sonophone app too.


But other albums I’ve recently ripped eg “This is where I came in” by the Bee Gees shows the tracks fine if I search via albums and then click that one


Really odd


Any ideas gratefully explored!

Hi Ken


ive done all those things. I always edit my tags before copying files to the (new due to SMB protocol) NAS. This is happening on “Albums” that are 6 years old and were behaving fine and haven’t been edited or changed. Also a couple of folders are showing as duplicates and oddly when I searched by artist it showed two copies of a couple of the albums and each had the same tracks.


its most likely yet another by product of the controller omni-shambles but most peculiar it’s only a few albums it’s affecting. I’ll try a side by sIde comparison of the ID3 tags to see if there’s anything obvious.

There are rumours in the community of an impending App update @Stuart_W. Some think it will be this week and that it’s to fix some library issues. So I’d maybe wait and see if that fixes your issue -  I’m seeing some duplicates in Artist/Albums myself too, so maybe some changes are currently going on behind the scenes and will be fixed in the next release. 🤞

Hi Ken


ive done all those things. I always edit my tags before copying files to the (new due to SMB protocol) NAS. This is happening on “Albums” that are 6 years old and were behaving fine and haven’t been edited or changed. Also a couple of folders are showing as duplicates and oddly when I searched by artist it showed two copies of a couple of the albums and each had the same tracks.


its most likely yet another by product of the controller omni-shambles but most peculiar it’s only a few albums it’s affecting. I’ll try a side by sIde comparison of the ID3 tags to see if there’s anything obvious.

I would first check the track tags/metadata with an App such as mp3Tag and see if the Artist/Album fields are populated and if that’s okay, check the sharing protocol and credentials in use (share needs to be SMBv2 or higher for the Sonos App to see the tracks and not either SMBv1, or HTTP …and if everything looks okay,  re-run the indexer via the Windows desktop controller App.