Error Code 913 attempting to add Windows Folder to Music Library
This exact error has been widely reported here, but mostly for Macs. None of the official accepted “answers” for Windows provide a solution.
Running Sonos Controller for Windows 16.2.
This all started when I repped some of my CDs and tried to re-index the folder. It hung for hours. I let it run overnight, and it was still hanging. I closed and restarted the app. After that, any attempts to access the Music folder - or any subfolder - fails with the 913 error code.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Controller. That has NO effect on this failure.
The Controller either suddenly won’t support WIndolws Folders, or it leaves some “residue” during indexing that cannot be removed by uninstalling the app. It could be hidden properties on the folders themselves, hidden Windows Registry keys, something.
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This seems to be an issue with Sonos S2, irrespective of filing sharing being permitted.
If you have library in C:\Users\xxx\OneDrive\Music, it goes to Microsoft cloud (unless you explicitly stops it - but S2 may not be able to tell) and S2 doesn’t seem to like it.
If you have music in C:\Users\xxx\Music, which does not go to the cloud, it worked for me. (Since this worked, I never bothered with NAS)
This issue was prior to 16.3.1. It was already there when S2 was 79.1-53290 and Sonos Mobile App was at least a dozen versions before the latest.
I doubt the old method will ever be fixed. Expect those options to just disappear from the desktop controller.
Glad you’re up & running!
Update. I copied my music library to the external D-drive, made sure advanced sharing was done right and then copies my path exactly as shown in the properties. It works. You are right something happened when they updated and caused the local OneDrive file to stop working. I can live with the solution until they fix it sometime. Thanks for putting me on the right path. Will let my other colleague know that this works. You are the best!
Thanks for the ideas and input. I will in fact make a copy on a separate device attached to my computer that is visible to everything. Maybe it will work and that is fine. But for years I had my music on the One Drive local file and it worked fine. Starting around May after an update from Sonos, it just stopped working. They did something in the software that caused the library to not be found. I am not alone, someone else I know had exactly the same issue in the same time frame.
Unfortunately they made too many changes in one go and this was one of them. I think (not entirely sure) that the sharing via the wizards uses some kind of odd http sharing, not a network share. But, at the same time they rolled the new app, they also rolled new speaker firmware that disables SMB v1 and HTTP shares, so the speakers can no longer access the ‘old’ local library. If it is HTTP then it looks like they haven’t updated the wizards or just removed them. It’s just one giant mess that seems to be confusing many people.
I don’t think it’s SMB v1 related here as Windows doesn’t instal SMBv1 code these days by default and don’t think many would go and add it.
So, you now have to properly share a folder on the network for the Sonos speakers to see it. Transparent cloud drives probably get in the way here and this will be where peoples setups start to diverge quite a bit, OneDrive, iCloud, Google Drive etc…
Thanks for the ideas and input. I will in fact make a copy on a separate device attached to my computer that is visible to everything. Maybe it will work and that is fine. But for years I had my music on the One Drive local file and it worked fine. Starting around May after an update from Sonos, it just stopped working. They did something in the software that caused the library to not be found. I am not alone, someone else I know had exactly the same issue in the same time frame.
OK the bit I’m not happy about is the fact your music is on your One Drive which I don’t think you have full control over as it’s in the cloud. Under
Create a Sonos folder, then copy some of your music, copy not move, into that folder and right click on it and select properties. Then select the sharing tab and it will say something like not shared with a Share… button. Click that. It will then ask you to select people to share with and in the drop down choose Everyone and permission level read.
Once done, and you re-run net share from the command line you should see Sonos in the list.
Then try and add again using the third option, but \\computername\\Sonos
And see if that changes anything. If it prompts for a username/password for now use your account details on Windows…
No luck comes back the same thing. But it does take longer to respond, the Wizard response is 913 immediately. Let me play with it some more. If something works will let all of you know. Thanks
OK, so choose the third option, network drive and enter either
and see if they get you further. Sometimes I’ve heard reports that slashes one way don’t work …
Actually this is where the 913 occurs, it is pointing to my computer
Right, so when you go into the wizard, choose network drive, the third option and enter
Where computer name is your Windows PC’s name …
Sorry edited my previous reply…
Actually here is what I am trying to add but when I hit next the infamous 913
And what's the entry you have for what I assume is ‘Music’ in the app for the library?
Ahh… and that on your Microsoft OneDrive?
What happens if you create a new directory under c:\users\richa\Sonos for example and share that ?
Part of the issue could be sharing what is not a local drive out again over a network… guess, but have seen double sharing cause issues on many things before…
I did command “net share” and go the following
Looks normal to me that is my music library.
For those having issues, if you go to a command line window and type
net share
What do you get back, and how does it compare to what you see listed in the Sonos App for library folders?
They also escalated to Level 2 for me and never called back -- BECAUSE they don’t know how to definitely fix it. In the meantime, a new problem.
Just on this thread alone, I see quite a few people give up and abandon Sonos. You will never get them back.
I have the latest update and still no success in adding my music library to Sonon on my Windows 11 machine. Have tried all ways suggested in this thread. Worst still in playing with trying to get a solution my music library was lost to Sonos so now I cannot see my music. The only good thing is that the Sonos 2 App can still recognize things like Apple Music and other music services I use so I can still play music through my Sonos Amp on my Bose speakers.
BTW I bought the Bose AMP for my upstairs speakers. I does not have the ability to see my music library on my computer. Sonos was better if just for that, but now they are both the same.
Two weeks ago I took the time to call Sonos and after 90 minutes the tech said he did not know what to do and was going to escalate the 913 problem. He said they would call me back in a few days. Two weeks later still waiting for the call.
Hope by the holidays they fix this as i have some unique CDs in my library that I would like to play.
Hi Donkey230385,
Yes, that seems to be the logical brute force way of doing it. I tested it in exactly the same way as you did. Whether it works in one or another folder of the PC hard drive or NAS seems to vary judging from different replies posted in this forum. Currently it works for me both in “My Music” and another folder within the C:\ drive.
The Windows 11 App 80.1-55014 released on Aug 8th introduced another problem!! You can google the topic under 16.3.1. This was forced on me. If I did not update to 80.1-5504 (c0mplete with bugs), I cannot amend my music library.
But I assume 80.1-55014 requires the same manual correction to file sharing as 79.1-53290 (and what caused the file sharing problem anyway -- the Mobile App or the PC App or both?). So, Sonos never fixed this problem. But 16.3.1 introduced a new one.
I was able to add my shared music folder by entering the unc path to the share.
\\[computer name]\share name
I entered my username and password and didn’t get the 913 error
Hi MoPac
The MusicBee files are MP3. They are exported as M3U files to the folder recognised by the Sonos controller. I have three play lists but only one appears on the Sonos music library > Playlists
I’ll play around some more tomorrow.
Thanks for your input
What file format are the MusicBee playlists? Are they stored in the same folder where your music resides? My playlists are M3U and are in a folder named Playlists. That folder is in the same ROOT folder where my music is. They show in the new Sonos app.
Hi All, I’m not sure how many are still experiencing issues even after the August 6th update to the Win 11 version of the software. Anyways, playing around today I had a result by doing the following:
1 Navigate to your music folder, drill down to one specific album folder containing a number of tracks
2 Copy that folder to the desktop
3 Go to that folder on the desktop and share it using the technique many have described previously, if you are stuck shout out and i’ll post steps for that
4 Open the Sonos software on PC and choose add music library, choose to add another folder or drive on my computer, browse to the desktop folder you created earlier
5 If all goes well you should see the album in Sonos music library
6 Now drill down to your music folder once again and copy ALL albums and paste into the desktop folder you created earlier
7 In Sonos choose update library, if you lucky all your music should now be available
Playlists are an issue, I’m using MusicBee and still struggling to grasp it’s magic.
Please let me know how you get on with this...
I received the 913 error too (windows 11; controller, 16.3, OS: S2. After removing the music library from Sonos; I could not readd the local music library. What worked for me is right clicking on the music folder, then select: properties, select the sharing tab and click “Advanced Sharing.” Make sure “Share this folder” is active; click “Permissions,” and make sure the group “Everyone” has “Full Control,” “Change,” and “Read” access to the folder.
I was able to add the local music library and play music from it.
I have dozen of playlists in iTunes.
It appears that the new Sonos iOS app has deprecated playlists. You can see them, but you can edit them, and you can’t make new ones.