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One of my two bridges started flashing rapidly (white) and it was no longer visible on the app.

I have tried everything (I think) including plugging direct into router and factory reset but nothing has produced the response that I am supposed to get.

Although, sometimes I can get the light to stay solid even though still not “visible”

Does this mean that the bridge itself kaput ? 

Likely, they’re pretty old tech, and known to have issues with their power supplies and fluctuating power delivery. Many people have retired their BRIDGES,  either by plugging the Ethernet cable directly into a regular Sonos device (another speaker, or a BOOST, the replacement designed for the BRIDGE, that has also now been retired), or simply having all their speakers off of their WiFi, now that consumer grade routers are capable enough to do so. 

The only way to be certain if it is dead is to submit a system diagnostic , and call Sonos Support to discuss it. But don’t post the resulting diagnostic number here, they get sensitive about GDPR.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the Support staff, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your network and Sonos system.

For what it is worth, I retired my BRIDGEs long ago in favor of the BOOST, and my newer Sonos devices, which don’t work with SonosNet are sitting on my WiFi. 

A good reference on the making the change is in the wireless and wired systems FAQ.

Thanks for the prompt reply Bruce !

Yeah it is getting on a bit….

Two floors away from the router so I don’t have that option. It currently connects into an existing amplifier.

I shall give the diagnostic a try but the wait time when calling just isn’t practical for me at the moment.

I am happy to replace bits/upgrade or whatever but I didn’t know if that was possible at all with the Sonos One system.

But you have given me some stuff to work with despite all mt technical shortcomings, thank you.

If you can measure Voltage, the power supply should put out slightly more than 5V. Less than this, BRIDGE will behave weirdly.

You can get replacement (non-Sonos) power supplies, which should work, but given that the BRIDGE and its replacement, the BOOST, are no longer sold by Sonos (although still supported), I’d really be tempted to retire them, and go with hanging everything off the WiFi. 

Well Buzz, I’m hugely flattered that you think I could pull that off, thank you.

Airgetlam, which Sonos product would you recommend I buy then to replace the Sonos One bridge please ?

There is no current replacement for the Bridge, Sonos used to sell a Boost that would replace a Bridge but it too is obsolete.

Reading your posts, are you sure it is a Bridge? Little box, power socket and Ethernet socket only.

If it has audio connections it isn't a Bridge maye a Zone Player or Connect.

Well just to be sure Stanley, I did an image search and yes, it appears to be a Bridge.

I do have a Connect but next to the router. But two Bridges which link to two separate amplifiers.

Sounds like I’m stuffed then...

Well just to be sure Stanley, I did an image search and yes, it appears to be a Bridge.

I do have a Connect but next to the router. But two Bridges which link to two separate amplifiers.

Sounds like I’m stuffed then...

This statement is confusing. Are you referring to the Port as a bridge or a Connect as a bridge?

And are you referring to a Bridge as a Connect?

                                                                This is a Port:


                                 This is a Connect, which is an older version of the Port

                                                                  This is a bridge


Well Pools, the terminology must have changed since my purchase was made so apologies for the confusion. For my part, I have the following:

pic one:  nil

pic two:  2 (one of which is now faulty)

pic three: 1


Hope that helps…

I'm not sure how a Bridge could link to an amplifier as it has no audio ports?

What audio device do you have the Connect next to your router connected to? 

Mine definitely does and it links directly i to my amplifier.

But then it is the thick end of 15 years old, I guess.

Then, as ​@Pools-3015 suggests, you have two CONNECTs, or CONNECT:AMPs, and one BRIDGE. 

I would recommend, at least temporarily, wiring your Ethernet cable to the working CONNECT, and unplug and remove the BRIDGE. This should get your system working again. Then you can decide if you want to hang things off your WiFi, or leave a Sonos device wired, as in the FAQ I linked. 

The replacement for the CONNECT is the Port, the replacement for the CONNECT:AMP is the Amp. The latter two devices have speaker outputs that you can connect your own speakers to, the first two just connect to your own amplifier with RCA in and outs. 

If you call in, I suspect you’d be eligible for some discounts for replacement devices.

Thanks Airegetlam and everyone one Lea for your collective input. I shall take what I have learned from here and implement what I can.

That will mean some radio silence from me on here in the meantime I try to piece if all together but I shall let you know how I get on.

Thanks again 👍

 Hi again,

Presumably, the new port would offer the same compatibility as the original ?

If so, I think I’m good.


Yes, the new Port is a direct replacement for the older CONNECT. You can look at it on the Sonos sales page to confirm. I suggest purchasing it there, but I have to admit sometimes I’m lured by Best Buy’s ‘open box’ or the need to have a thing ‘right now’, and not wait for shipping, etc. Your mileage may vary, of course. 

Many thanks, Bruce and everyone else for their contributions 🙂

