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I just upgraded to the new Sonos App and the dual mono setting for the two Amps I run is missing.  I used this setting for single ceiling speakers in different rooms.  This has to be brought back, I can’t have the right channel playing in one room and the left in another.

Yeah this basically kills outdoor setups. Bring the feature back. 

Please tell me Sonos plans to fix this

Huge problem, agreed. Just realized that not only did the toggle go away but the amp was flipped to stereo during the update so I can’t revert. Need a fix

Thanks for the suggestions Buzz but I already knew that and held off updating the app on my iPad and wife’s iPhone.  It’s just disappointing that Sonos would remove such a basic and useful feature.  Hopefully they will add this back in the next update, it’s a deal killer for me.

So dumb. New app is lame, no reason to update the old one. And yeah, dual mono disappeared…why? Like they had to remove something?!?!? ADD something useful! The app is not intuitive. It’s slower (by a LOT!). “Main menu” page is dumb. It was fiiiiiiiiiine. Update for the sake of an update that was totally unnecessary and is worse not better. 

Luckily found an old phone that didn’t have auto updates applied to the old app loaded and connected AFTER I got all the stuff I have (that had been dropping out for WEEEEEEKS with no explanation from Sonos other than network BS - since it had been running unscathed for months) added back in. 

when I looked at the old phone, sure enough the amps were in stereo but was able to switch back and adjust. Now they are doing what I need them to but I just can’t “see” it on the new app. Unless tomorrow I wake up and look And they revert 😂

only crummy thing is I can’t do ANYthing to the old phone / app (add services) cause it’ll force the update. 

soooooooooo. Great, but Sonos you’re blowing it. I’m an AV integrator with probably 100+ Sonos clients in systems from basic to elaborate (20+ ports / 10,000 sq-ft house distribution) and if their DEGRADED “updated upgrade” user experience starts to come back on us we won’t use going forward with Sonos products and in all likelihood start to systematically replace existing ones with C4 native or autonomic systems as both offer Spotify and Auto now has Apple Music natively. Honestly my only two reasons for using Sonos the past few years. 

This is now confirmed to be present and working again! Thank you community! 


Just came here to say the new app sucks balls. Give us Dual Mono back!

The whole app experience has been disappointing. The upgrade forced me to update each device individually. 

And I’m in the same dilemma with Dual Mono -- what sense did it make to remove that? It’s not as if the app changed the way the device handled a load.

Just crap.

Add dual mono back please!! I bought Sonos amp because of the dual mono feature.


also your advertising on the Sonos amp still says stereo or dual mono

Yeah, my outdoor speakers need to run in mono mode to accommodate the zones I have set up, otherwise they sound terrible. The deck gets one channel and the patio gets another.

I talked with support yesterday. They claimed dual mono was a feature which would be returning as updates to the app were rolled out.

Just finished installing 4 outdoor speakers and my brand new Sonos Amp…which I got specifically to run everything in dual mono mode. Of course my outdoor setup sounds really off due to the forced stereo image. Definitely NOT a good first impression for the new Amp. They can’t bring back this dual mono feature fast enough…

I have the same problem. Bought the amp because of dual moni feature and now this... Disappointed.... Never buying Sonos again!

Is there any chance of an ETA on bringing the feature back? Thanks for monitoring these posts and keeping us informed.

Is Mono the same as “Dual Mono”? I have an option for Stereo or Mono. When I select mono it does indeed play out of both of my ceiling speakers. I thought I recalled the prior setting was actually called Dual Mono - I moved out for a home renovation for 5 months and just moved back in it seems different. But maybe I’m wrong (I am aware of the app issues fwiw). 

Hi @BryRocket 

I’m sorry, but you are mistaken - Dual Mono mode has only ever been available on Amp and Port.

Wait, you can roll back to the old app?? How do you do that? I’m on iOS if that matters. 

I was more advising sonos to just roll back to the old app, mainly for iOS users.


Android users can at least side load the old app and take some steps to prevent it from updating, but it's a pain.

With all the problems, why wouldn't they?

Wait, you can roll back to the old app?? How do you do that? I’m on iOS if that matters. 

Roll back to the old app already. I’ve never seen a company insist on pile driving their entire existence into the ground.

All the freshly laid off employees should each get a chance to power slap this pathetic CEO.

It was. I used it. 

I don’t think Dual Mono was ever a feature on the older CONNECT:AMP. 

So apparently this is only working with the Sonos Amp but not the Sonos Connect:Amp?? I still do not have the option to select Dual Mono on my system. This is such a PITA. Dammit Sonos! Fix this!

When is this going back into Android? Unacceptable.

I wish they would get this feature and all the other missing features ported over to the Android app. Fortunately I was able to get someone else with an iOS device to set my amp to mono mode for my outdoor speakers.

Why not just sideload the older 16.1 Sonos app ? Stop the auto update for the app. Have been using the older app on my android without any issues.