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I am form Mumbai, India. I have been using Sonos with Alexa integration till yesterday, until Amazon launched Alexa services in India. To get the local skills I had my Amazon marketplace for Alexa changed from UK to India and since then my Sonos skill for Alexa vanished.

I am unable to search Sonos skill on Alexa Skills page. On contacting Amazon, they replied that Sonos hasn't released the skill for India 😞.

Any clue how can I enable the Sonos skill for Alexa whilst having the location India.


I have a Multi room setup with 4 speakers. On speaking to sonos over Twitter was assured integration will come soon as the official policy is to launch in every country that Alexa is offered.

Purchased echo based on that. Also in the initial days the Alexa app had a sonos icon which has now disappeared. Please make this a priority.

If possible then give us a timeline
I had not realised that Amazon is selling the One in India as well, with Amazon Purchase Protection.

That nixes even a possible Sonos claim that the One is not officially released in India - what does that mean anyway, this "officially released" business? Amazon is a Sonos channel from much before it became a partner for Alexa, and it can't get more official than that.
As I can see I'll be facing the same music as you guys. I just bought Sonos One from Amazon UK (yet to receive it). Just on communicating with Amazon India Customer Care I came to know that Sonos Skills are not currently supported by Amazon India. Then I landed here. What I feel is that both Amazon and Sonos are equally responsible for the fiasco. Amazon India site officially list Sonos One, with Alexa built in, for sale. Based on this information I made my purchase. This is wrong information on part of Amazon as well.
And your site continues to say this even today, Sonos:

"Can I use Amazon Alexa with any Sonos player?

Yes, Amazon Alexa works on all Sonos players.

Where is Amazon Alexa on Sonos available?

Amazon Alexa is currently available in the United States, Germany, Austria, and the United Kingdom."

Amazon Alexa has been available in India for more than three weeks now, and is also now available in Canada. Sonos needs to keep pace with Amazon in more ways than one, though it would be better if it did so not by changing what it claims for itself on its website, but by delivering on that claim. Marketing collateral is allowed to be flowery but it cannot be found straying from facts in statements as the above.

Speaking personally, I think the team would prefer having all the main work behind the skill as done as possible before releasing it in a location, and not splitting up the release into a couple phases.

Makes sense except when the two phases are separated by months and this thinking then holds up the entire release. As I wrote, Amazon took 12 months - so they say in public - to get their hardware to understand the way we speak English. I can't see Sonos doing this a lot faster on their own. And this issue will only affect Sonos One units, and nothing else. So breaking what may otherwise seem a sensible preference may be indicated in this case.

After all, doesn't Sonos work the same way all the time - not wait for any cake to be fully and perfectly baked? Witness the beta aspects of the Sonos One Alexa release, where many things are incomplete. From mic sensitivity calibration to not offering a choice of wake words, among other things.
I'll pass the request along to the team so it's in the right hands.

Speaking personally, I think the team would prefer having all the main work behind the skill as done as possible before releasing it in a location, and not splitting up the release into a couple phases.

That could just be me worrying about trying to find a way to say, "Ok, the server side of the work is done, but unless you speak a certain way it won't recognize you."

I'll let you know if I hear anything I can share with you all.
More than a bump, a question for Ryan from the Canada thread.

As I see there, two main issues arise - the pathing working well between the two clouds involved in the integration feature. And two, accent recognition if Sonos One is to understand Indians speaking in English.

Why can't these two be dealt with in sequential steps so those of us who don't have or even want the One can get going with Amazon hardware released in India, that has been customised to our accents after a claimed 12 month effort by Amazon?

Why have us wait till Sonos One also understands what we are saying? Not having to solve such challenges is why Sonos partnered with Amazon in the first place!

Whose door do I knock on with this request - else we won't get this in India even in 2018.
Squeaky wheel knocking on the door. Mixed metaphors suck, I know, but may attract Sonos attention. It is now 18 days and counting. And a weekend coming up.

PS: Sonos created a ticket for this one, directed by their CEO to do so and for those interested, a quote from my update there as well today:

"When will these be available? When can I expect a communication to an expected date? "You will know it when you see it" doesn't seem a customer friendly answer. Given that Sonos has promised simultaneous availability in its own FAQ on Alexa on this site.

It is now 18 days since Amazon launched Alexa in India on October 30th."
Sonos explanations will take time, so permit a chance:

1. There is no harm that I can see, if it works for you as it does. As it is, you don't have local content anyway.

2. Outside of these 3 countries - now 5 if you add India+Japan - the problem is Amazon. Alexa app/services have to be made available by them first to allow local content.

3. But after that, it seems to come back to Sonos. Until they catch up with the Amazon Alexa release, you will have to use the Dot the way you are using today for Sonos, or use it for local content and local relevant skills. Doing both will only be after Sonos Skills are present in the Netherlands release of Amazon Alexa. What "hard work" is needed for this either in Sonos or in Amazon, I have no idea.
Hi, I live in the Netherlands, bought an echo dot in the UK and via an usa based apple account downloaded the software for Alexa. Works fine (also with Philips Hue lights) as long as I give the commands in english and some local things are obviously not available: train times, etc.

I keep reading the standard response "Alexa support for Sonos is available in the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom, and we're hard at work getting everything ready to bring the Sonos skill for Alexa to more countries. We haven't announced which countries are up next, but our aspiration is everywhere."

Can you please explain why that is the case? What is the harm for users outside of those 3 countries to be able to use Alexa with Sonos as it can obviously work. What holds that back? I would like to see an explanation rather than a statement like the one above.
As you said some customers in India but you can not measure their love & passion equally with other customers in other country.

Erm...I would not go that far. Every human likes the music of their choice as much as any other. Nationality is irrelevant.

But what is accurate is that in terms of revenue delivered at this time, we don't contribute much to Sonos. Should that matter? There can be many valid answers.

I think it's important to remember that Sonos isn't currently sold directly in India. While we have some great customers like you guys, we have yet to officially enter India as a company.

I do agree with your point. Let's see this from Indian customer point of view now. In India Sonos isn't directly sold was a big concern for me when I was going to purchase it's first product considering if unfortunately anything goes wrong with the product at hardware level (apart from software/setup issues), I will be unable to repair it. This is in concern of shipping & getting back will not be an economical / practical solution. If you check the price of Sonos product on Amazon in India you can find its almost cost us twice than a customer in US because of shipping & custom duty. My many friends like the Sonos items I have but restrict themselves buying because of unavailable local service & off-course the price.

Now the customers in India like me purchased Sonos product coming over the issues mentioned above only by following their gut feeling, love & confidence about the reliability of Sonos items. Don't you think these customers need service to get released especially considering it on software level ?

I am still not clear about the technical hitch restricting from releasing the voice service in other countries. Because only Sonos customer can only use it. Sorry about my ignorance but I am really interested in knowing what is the bottleneck for not releasing it.

This is the first time Sonos has collaborated with other company with hardware as well as software (Amazon Echo) & not syncing with each other. I have purchased Amazon Echo only for controlling my Sonos product but just waiting for the getting the service released. Alexa is working fine except getting skills for Sonos in India.

My discussion may sound a bit unpractical but after all my passion for music & Sonos was the reason for investing in Sonos products. As you said some customers in India but you can not measure their love & passion equally with other customers in other country.

I think it's important to remember that Sonos isn't currently sold directly in India.

Thank you for your response, Ryan, but the quoted doesn't have wings.

I bought my Sonos in 2011, shipped by Amazon US to me officially, paying Indian customs duty that they collected from me. Once an official outlet of your does that with no objection from you that I am aware of AND my units are registered by Sonos AND you collect the revenue from the sale, that excuse is not available any more. Sonos officially has a multi channel go to market distribution strategy that has served you well and you cannot now pick and choose from such consequences of that as are not convenient.

And there is the Sonos published claim on your present FAQ: Alexa will work with Sonos wherever Alexa services are officially available from Amazon. In India, they are, for over ten days now with a notice on September 30 that this will be the case. So, in a sense, this is more than 45 days now.

And before aspiring to be everywhere as you say, I think it makes more sense to first be there wherever Amazon Alexa is, as far as Sonos skills are concerned. As well as a legal obligation most likely, given the above. Certainly a moral one.

As you may be aware, I have banged on the CEO door often on just with this, so if results still aren't forthcoming, Ryan has an out. Including apprising him of the interesting little fact that if I change Amazon market places, Sonos skills will be available right away. I choose not to do that for many reasons.

PS: I also know that in line with the same Amazon announcement, Alexa is just released in Japan. A heads up for you for what that is worth.
Sorry for the delay, we most certainly read every thread, but it's been so busy of late that it's difficult to keep up.

I know you're hungry for news and eagerly awaiting any announcement or details from us. I don't have an official statement for you on support for the Sonos Alexa skill in India above what's already been said.

Alexa support for Sonos is available in the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom, and we're hard at work getting everything ready to bring the Sonos skill for Alexa to more countries. We haven't announced which countries are up next, but our aspiration is everywhere.

I think it's important to remember that Sonos isn't currently sold directly in India. While we have some great customers like you guys, we have yet to officially enter India as a company. We're definitely interested and love that you are such early adopters, and clearly interested and involved. We'd love to bring Sonos to all countries, as well as Alexa support for Sonos. We’re working with Amazon on their Alexa expansion plans, and for that matter, with Google on theirs with Assistant, to bring voice control to Sonos everywhere we can.

Stay tuned for more details!
Any response Ryan, before you go away for the weekend?
but if the Alexa bit works flawlessly in Indian physical locations by just doing this switch, Sonos is being unresponsive and/or disingenuous for no reason I can see, and ditto in saying they are "working hard" to fix this.

Exactly this is a pure sw block , which shouldn’t be difficult to remove ,
See this for more insights:

While I am surprised that Alexa was not released in Canada ages ago, as far as India is concerned, it is a whole different ball game right now for Sonos partner Amazon, that are full steam ahead in their efforts to not lose the Indian market, having already lost China to Ali Baba and other local players. Jeff Wilke, Amazon CEO worldwide of consumer business in an interview here today while in India has very clearly confirmed the first part; investment to date is USD 2 billion with a plan to ratchet this up to USD 5 billion if the 125% growth rates that have been seen continue to persist and India is their fastest growing business in the world is his statement. In the last 12 months, growth in Prime subscriptions, although from a small base are also the highest in the world. Having also used Amazon India for much of my online shopping in the last two years, I am not surprised; service and fulfilment levels, along with support, is world class.

So if Sonos Skills are missing here, I doubt very much that it is due to Amazon. The ball is with Sonos to run ahead with, if they have the will, energy and genuine global aspirations to do so.

And before anyone asks, I have done my door banging today by sending a copy of that interview to Patrick Spence, the Sonos CEO.

And why should it work in the exact same piece of hardware on the exact same location if you change ur Id .

I haven't tried this and probably won't but does it work flawlessly as far as Sonos control is concerned? Obviously local relevant skills would be also lost, but if the Alexa bit works flawlessly in Indian physical locations by just doing this switch, Sonos is being unresponsive and/or disingenuous for no reason I can see, and ditto in saying they are "working hard" to fix this. Also, if someone confirms this, I can bang on the CEO's door with this interesting fact.

And Ryan/Sonos Staff, that claim to read every post on the community, but haven't cared to respond to even one here, owe us at least a reply ASAP, I think.
I don’t understand this whole geography thing with this, I can understand content geographically restricted cause of copyright issue , how does it matter . It’s a self inflicted geography bug.

Why does the sonos option come with Alexa if it doesn’t work.

And why should it work in the exact same piece of hardware on the exact same location if you change ur Id .

Given this , we are working hard is disgusting
Todays update: I think I ruffled some feathers in Sonos because a more senior team lead has taken over the communications to me after apologising for the assurance I was given yesterday which literally read as: "I hope you will get the feature in India soon."

I was stunned at the language, to be honest, and said so.

Now it is: "We are working hard to give this to you, but can't say when." Progress though.

Thanks for taking attention to the serious problem (for us) as much possible at your end. First time ever I seriously felt SONOS is not serious about providing prompt support to the customers especially from India. How much time it will take to use voice service with Amazon Echo only time will tell but it's testing our patience for sure.
Todays update: I think I ruffled some feathers in Sonos because a more senior team lead has taken over the communications to me after apologising for the assurance I was given yesterday which literally read as: "I hope you will get the feature in India soon."

I was stunned at the language, to be honest, and said so.

Now it is: "We are working hard to give this to you, but can't say when."

Progress though.

I remain impressed with how well Amazon India has rolled this out; all is working quite well, and occasional glitches rapidly addressed. I can't speak to skills other than music play, but my wife is using the Echo in the kitchen effortlessly for music from Amazon Prime. She never touches Sonos. So is my daughter in the kitchen in her home, but being of a later generation she does use Sonos as well.
I agree; and my communications have been with different people in Sonos from the CEO to team leads, all offering bland corporate assurances. Disappointing.

Here is one for Ryan if he finds the time:

A cut/paste from the Sonos FAQ:

"Can I use Amazon Alexa with any Sonos player?

Yes, Amazon Alexa works on all Sonos players.

Where is Amazon Alexa available?

Amazon Alexa is currently available in the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom."

Since this was put on the site, Amazon Alexa is currently available in the above countries + India. Officially via Amazon.

Why then is it wrong for anyone reading this to expect Amazon Alexa to work with Sonos players in India? To me as of now, this is a misrepresentation by Sonos in its published material. A corporate lawyer may be able to parse a wriggle out, but Sonos would do better to make some quick moves to correct the situation and by that I mean making the skills available. Not changing the FAQ.
Oh man! What a pity, that all of us are stuck in a similar situation! I can clearly see Sonos under Music services, but has no relevance of the sonos skill.
An update received from Sonos yesterday that was very disappointing because it said that Sonos Skills will be available when, quote: when Sonos and a voice service launch together in your region: unquote.

Where from you received update. In that case it's really disappointing. They should have followed the policy of releasing service along with Amazon Echo/Alexa in any territory which is more logical.
An update received from Sonos yesterday that was very disappointing because it said that Sonos Skills will be available when, quote: when Sonos and a voice service launch together in your region: unquote.

Seeing that Alexa India is already launched, one possible interpretation of the above is - NEVER. Because now they can never launch together in India, Sonos has missed the ship that has sailed.

I have pointed out that this is a very disappointing response, but have no reaction as of now to that reply.