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I've followed the set up connected both accounts as described, alexa responds to questions but when i ask to play music/radio etc she says its playing but no sound. i've also found she thinks shes in USA even though i've set all the devices to europe/london summer time.
yes all there listed
in Alexa smarthome->devices do you see ALL your sonos devices (Sonos One and any play:1/3/5) ? You should.
tried that too, without success... i guess there's a problem with the setup.
Ah ... yes ... if I go to (or .com depending on your location) and in smarthome -> devices initiate a search, it finds them. So that's starting to look better
I found I could change the location in the Alexa App devices section. I also have not got Alexa voice control of music to work yet, she thinks she is playing but there is no sound.

At one point in the setup instructions you are supposed to ask 'Alexa, discover devices' which I suspect never found any of my devices.

Any suggestions?